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The Thin Red Line 1998

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Where is it that we were together?

#fe399683 / read by Ashish-50

<Prev / Quote 1 of 133 / Next>

You are my sons, my dear sons. You live inside me now. I'll carry you wherever I go.

#fdf08eb9 / read by Ashish-50

<Prev / Quote 2 of 133 / Next>

You're in a box... A moving box...

#fb37f4b9 / read by Baby-77

<Prev / Quote 3 of 133 / Next>

I was a prisoner. You set me free.

#fa444bed / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 4 of 133 / Next>

Look at this jungle.

#f9e21ea1 / read by Amit-65

<Prev / Quote 5 of 133 / Next>

I want to stay changeless for you.

#f732a1c5 / read by Hema-82

<Prev / Quote 6 of 133 / Next>

All we have to do is keep going and we'll have this hill.

#f19e32b4 / read by Amit-65

<Prev / Quote 7 of 133 / Next>

I was afraid to touch the death I seen in her.

#f14b3625 / read by Ashish-50

<Prev / Quote 8 of 133 / Next>

It turns them into dogs... poisons the soul.

#f0d5a02f / read by Hema-82

<Prev / Quote 9 of 133 / Next>

Why are you such a trouble maker Witt?

#f0c7bee3 / read by Saradha-18

<Prev / Quote 10 of 133 / Next>

Well, isn't that what you like to do?

#ef626471 / read by Saradha-18

<Prev / Quote 11 of 133 / Next>

I heard of people talk about immortality, but I ain't seen it.

#ea9df983 / read by Arun-92

<Prev / Quote 12 of 133 / Next>

One single man in all this madness. If you die, it's gonna be for nothing.

#e7b25b10 / read by Kumar-68

<Prev / Quote 13 of 133 / Next>

It makes no difference who you are, no matter how much training you got and the tougher guy you might be.

#e57cf9a5 / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 14 of 133 / Next>

I couldn't find nothin' beautiful or uplifting about her goin' back to God.

#df5dcccc / read by Suneetha-55

<Prev / Quote 15 of 133 / Next>

Who's killing us, robbing us of life and light, mocking us with the sight of what we might've known?

#de8fb94d / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 16 of 133 / Next>

Then the next day it's like we never even met.

#dd36fae1 / read by Suneetha-55

<Prev / Quote 17 of 133 / Next>

Maybe they wanna get into eh... Nirvana.

#dc4ee138 / read by Amit-65

<Prev / Quote 18 of 133 / Next>

Each like a coal thrown from the fire.

#dba0f9e9 / read by Baby-77

<Prev / Quote 19 of 133 / Next>

The only time you should start worrying about a soldier is when they stop bitchin'.

#da83eb6f / read by CHANDHINI-33

<Prev / Quote 20 of 133 / Next>

The brother. The friend. Darkness, light.

#d9e80e46 / read by Amit-65

<Prev / Quote 21 of 133 / Next>

To have this battalion relieved in a defeat, or even to have it reinforced by troops from a reserve regiment, if we were stalled before reaching the top, well,

#d7155c8a / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 22 of 133 / Next>

What do you mean?

#d56ff25f / read by Ravi-21

<Prev / Quote 23 of 133 / Next>

What do you mean?

#d56ff25f-a / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 24 of 133 / Next>

How did we loose all the good that was given us?. Let it slip away. Scattered careless.

#d48ceff1 / read by Suneetha-55

<Prev / Quote 25 of 133 / Next>

Love. Where does it come from?

#d3c7b17f / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 26 of 133 / Next>

I remember my mother when she was dyin', looked all shrunk up and gray.

#d2340b19 / read by Arun-92

<Prev / Quote 27 of 133 / Next>

We were a family.

#d148eb63 / read by Hema-82

<Prev / Quote 28 of 133 / Next>

Jesus Christ, that's just a hell of a lot more than I could stand!

#cd922606 / read by Arun-92

<Prev / Quote 29 of 133 / Next>

Turn left when they say go right.

#cd666da8 / read by Hema-82

<Prev / Quote 30 of 133 / Next>

All things shining.

#cc6b89c9 / read by Hema-82

<Prev / Quote 31 of 133 / Next>

If I go first, I'll wait for you there, on the other side of the dark waters.

#cae122e0 / read by CHANDHINI-33

<Prev / Quote 32 of 133 / Next>

They just keep coming, one after another...

#c77a3fdd / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 33 of 133 / Next>

My dear wife, you get something twisted out of your insides by all this blood, filth, and noise.

#c26942dd / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 34 of 133 / Next>

How many lives? One? Two? Twenty?

#bdf2d8ad / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 35 of 133 / Next>

The features of the same face?

#bc035762 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 36 of 133 / Next>

The Marines had their chance now we have ours.

#bbdbb040 / read by Amit-65

<Prev / Quote 37 of 133 / Next>

How do we get to those other shores? To those blue hills.

#ba500198 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 38 of 133 / Next>

How'd it break up and come apart, so that now we're turned against each other?

#ba0f2133 / read by CHANDHINI-33

<Prev / Quote 39 of 133 / Next>

Kids around here never fight.

#b9f4775a / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 40 of 133 / Next>

I always felt like you did. One day I come up and talk to ya.

#b869ff29 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 41 of 133 / Next>

What seed, what root did it grow from?

#b03739a0 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 42 of 133 / Next>

Only one thing a man can do - find something that's his, and make an island for himself.

#aa4b51be / read by CHANDHINI-33

<Prev / Quote 43 of 133 / Next>

What's this war in the heart of nature?

#a6d05b7c / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 44 of 133 / Next>

In this world, a man, himself, is nothing.

#a3c110b6 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 45 of 133 / Next>

I Iove Charlie Company. They're my people.

#a2f9c25a / read by Amit-65

<Prev / Quote 46 of 133 / Next>

Does our ruin benefit the earth, does it help the grass to grow, the sun to shine?

#a16fa7a0 / read by CHANDHINI-33

<Prev / Quote 47 of 133 / Next>

War don't ennoble men.

#a01a2013 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 48 of 133 / Next>

Scattered it, careless.

#9e656f98 / read by Ravi-21

<Prev / Quote 49 of 133 / Next>

John, I'm convinced that the Japanese position can be broken right now.

#9d83fe94 / read by CHANDHINI-33

<Prev / Quote 50 of 133 / Next>

Rosy-fingered dawn. You're Greek, aren't you, Captain?

#9cdb388f / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 51 of 133 / Next>

I'm outta this war for good, Witt.

#9c5c1de5 / read by Hema-82

<Prev / Quote 52 of 133 / Next>

I wondered how it'd be like when I died, what it'd be like to know this breath now was the last one you was ever gonna draw.

#9422354e / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 53 of 133 / Next>

I've worked, slaved, eaten untold buckets of shit to have this opportunity and I don't intend to give it up now.

#93706afc / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 54 of 133 / Next>

We'll have this hill by sundown!

#932ab7fe / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 55 of 133 / Next>

Who's doing this?

#92ce4174 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 56 of 133 / Next>

They want you dead, or in their lie.

#91d593b7 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 57 of 133 / Next>

I might be your best friend, and you don't even know it.

#8fdb8f91 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 58 of 133 / Next>

I asked her if she was afraid. She just shook her head.

#8f54f782 / read by Megha-04

<Prev / Quote 59 of 133 / Next>

I just hope I can meet it the same way she did, with the same... calm. 'Cause that's where it's hidden - the immortality I hadn't seen.

#8e2cc2ee / read by Nitin-33

<Prev / Quote 60 of 133 / Next>

In a situation like that aII a man can do is shut his eyes and let nothing touch him.

#8aa72978 / read by Arun-92

<Prev / Quote 61 of 133 / Next>

Who lit this flame in us?

#88e8cf17 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 62 of 133 / Next>

Where's your spark now?

#88742ddb / read by Ravi-21

<Prev / Quote 63 of 133 / Next>

If I never meet you in this life, let me feel the lack; a glance from your eyes, and my life will be yours.

#87d21d3d / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 64 of 133 / Next>

Look out for himself.

#86894c7a / read by Ravi-21

<Prev / Quote 65 of 133 / Next>

Everyone lookin' for salvation by himself.

#859cfe79 / read by Silvi-67

<Prev / Quote 66 of 133 / Next>

The land contend with the sea?

#852f332e / read by Megha-04

<Prev / Quote 67 of 133 / Next>

Do you imagine your suffering will be any less because you loved goodness and truth?

#83d4014e / read by Megha-04

<Prev / Quote 68 of 133 / Next>

Lives will be lost in your company, Captain.

#81cf46da / read by Megha-04

<Prev / Quote 69 of 133 / Next>

Each standing in the other's light.

#7fe94d6e / read by Silvi-67

<Prev / Quote 70 of 133 / Next>

Look out at the things you made. All things shining.

#7d02ecf8 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 71 of 133 / Next>

Look out through my eyes, look out at the things you've made.

#7d013a8c / read by Arun-92

<Prev / Quote 72 of 133 / Next>

Are you righteous? Kind?

#7b8d58f2 / read by Ravi-21

<Prev / Quote 73 of 133 / Next>

You still believin in the beautiful light are ya? How do you do that? You're a magician to me.

#7771834f / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 74 of 133 / Next>

Let it slip away.

#762ba492 / read by Ravi-21

<Prev / Quote 75 of 133 / Next>

Do you ever feel lonely?

#73c551b6 / read by Ravi-21

<Prev / Quote 76 of 133 / Next>

If you don't have the stomach for it, now is the time to let me know.

#72ee0c9b / read by Kumar-68

<Prev / Quote 77 of 133 / Next>

Be with me now.

#70860117 / read by Ravi-21

<Prev / Quote 78 of 133 / Next>

Shut up in a tomb. Can't lift the lid.

#6edfd11c / read by Silvi-67

<Prev / Quote 79 of 133 / Next>

I never felt he hated me, cause I don't hate him.

#6ca17048 / read by Silvi-67

<Prev / Quote 80 of 133 / Next>

Are you loved by all? Know that I was, too.

#6bf7d1ca / read by Megha-04

<Prev / Quote 81 of 133 / Next>

Why should I be afraid to die? I belong to you.

#68951930 / read by Dhruva-62

<Prev / Quote 82 of 133 / Next>

I want to come back to you the man I was before.

#68013371 / read by Baby-77

<Prev / Quote 83 of 133 / Next>

This great evil, where's it come from?

#649087e8 / read by Dhruva-62

<Prev / Quote 84 of 133 / Next>

Playing a role I never concieved.

#63675846 / read by Arun-92

<Prev / Quote 85 of 133 / Next>

Did you ever read Homer? We read Homer at the Point. In Greek.

#634ca8da / read by Megha-04

<Prev / Quote 86 of 133 / Next>

You're my light. My guide.

#62a5bd7d / read by Ravi-21

<Prev / Quote 87 of 133 / Next>

If I never meet you in this life, let me feel the lack.

#5eebe24e / read by Ravi-21

<Prev / Quote 88 of 133 / Next>

No war can put it out, conquer it.

#5c9d7fda / read by Ravi-21

<Prev / Quote 89 of 133 / Next>

Who were you that I lived with?

#5c148ea2 / read by Silvi-67

<Prev / Quote 90 of 133 / Next>

Does your confidence lie in this?

#581f3466 / read by Silvi-67

<Prev / Quote 91 of 133 / Next>

Oh, my soul, let me be in you now.

#54d5b645 / read by Dhruva-62

<Prev / Quote 92 of 133 / Next>

What difference do you think you can make?

#54c031b8 / read by Megha-04

<Prev / Quote 93 of 133 / Next>

Why does nature vie with itself?

#514061eb / read by Silvi-67

<Prev / Quote 94 of 133 / Next>

How many men is it worth?

#500a4bd8 / read by Ravi-21

<Prev / Quote 95 of 133 / Next>

Come out. Come out where I am.

#4f1bf710 / read by Dhruva-62

<Prev / Quote 96 of 133 / Next>

Is this darkness in you, too? Have you passed through this night?

#4e63b594 / read by CHANDHINI-33

<Prev / Quote 97 of 133 / Next>

Is there an avenging power in nature? Not one power, but two?

#4c7def91 / read by Megha-04

<Prev / Quote 98 of 133 / Next>

I can take anything you dish out. I am twice the man you are.

#4c038781 / read by Kumar-68

<Prev / Quote 99 of 133 / Next>

When you're at the wrong spot at the wrong time, you gonna get it.

#467ed1fc / read by Kumar-68

<Prev / Quote 100 of 133 / Next>

Only around people.

#45e05a2f / read by Ravi-21

<Prev / Quote 101 of 133 / Next>

Everything a lie... Everything you hear, everything you see... So much to spew out...

#44038b74 / read by Nitin-33

<Prev / Quote 102 of 133 / Next>

Look out through my eyes.

#41e8b9c2 / read by Ravi-21

<Prev / Quote 103 of 133 / Next>

How'd it steal into the world?

#41d57cbf / read by Arun-92

<Prev / Quote 104 of 133 / Next>

Captain, you say one more word to thank me, I'II knock you right in the teeth.

#3ff18610 / read by CHANDHINI-33

<Prev / Quote 105 of 133 / Next>

Lonely house now, you ever get lonely?

#3ec7f7a5 / read by Ashish-50

<Prev / Quote 106 of 133 / Next>

Property. The whole fucking thing's about property.

#3e864b9b / NSFW / read by Ravi-21

<Prev / Quote 107 of 133 / Next>

You feel like a son to me, John. You know what my son does? He's a bait salesman.

#3cb158b9 / read by Teja-84

<Prev / Quote 108 of 133 / Next>

We're living in a world that's blowing itself to hell as fast as everybody can arrange it.

#36a9ea45 / read by Nitin-33

<Prev / Quote 109 of 133 / Next>

You care about me? Don't ya Sergeant?

#35932cdb / read by Megha-04

<Prev / Quote 110 of 133 / Next>

I seen another world. Sometimes I think it was just my imagination.

#33b47c6d / read by Nitin-33

<Prev / Quote 111 of 133 / Next>

You see the spirit in these men? Do you see the new spirit?

#32d08c27 / read by Megha-04

<Prev / Quote 112 of 133 / Next>

Maybe all men got one big soul everybody's a part of, all faces are the same man. One big self.

#32189c11 / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 113 of 133 / Next>

We. We together. One being. Flow together like water. Till I can't tell you from me. I drink you. Now. Now.

#30f025d6 / read by Kumar-68

<Prev / Quote 114 of 133 / Next>

The tough part is, uh... Not knowing if you're doing any good. That's the hard part.

#30e8289a / read by Teja-84

<Prev / Quote 115 of 133 / Next>

I still see a spark in you.

#2fc618a7 / read by Amit-65

<Prev / Quote 116 of 133 / Next>

I've waited all my life for this.

#2ef9fe14 / read by CHANDHINI-33

<Prev / Quote 117 of 133 / Next>

You mention me in your fuckin' orders and I'II resign so fast and Ieave you here to run this busted-up outfit by yourself. You understand?

#29b74005 / NSFW / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 118 of 133 / Next>

Ever. We'll assume it.

#29a4232f / read by Kumar-68

<Prev / Quote 119 of 133 / Next>

And there ain't no world but this one.

#2603c7b0 / read by Dhruva-62

<Prev / Quote 120 of 133 / Next>

Well, I want to take advantage of that before something happens to sap their strength.

#243164c9 / read by Teja-84

<Prev / Quote 121 of 133 / Next>

Hey Witt, who you making trouble for today?

#225dfaee / read by Dhruva-62

<Prev / Quote 122 of 133 / Next>

A glance from your eyes, and my life will be yours.

#20aa8e90 / read by Dhruva-62

<Prev / Quote 123 of 133 / Next>

Nature's cruel, Staros.

#1fa7e310 / read by Amit-65

<Prev / Quote 124 of 133 / Next>

What's keepin' us from reaching out, touching the glory?

#1f4422c8 / read by Megha-04

<Prev / Quote 125 of 133 / Next>

Sometimes. Sometimes when they see the planes, they always fighting.

#1bdef3aa / read by Teja-84

<Prev / Quote 126 of 133 / Next>

Strife and love. Are they the workings of one mind?

#18939dae / read by Megha-04

<Prev / Quote 127 of 133 / Next>

Oh, Jesus! I blew my butt off. I blew my butt off!

#1828eb35 / read by Silvi-67

<Prev / Quote 128 of 133 / Next>

There's not some other world out there where everything's gonna be okay. There's just this one, just this rock.

#1073b89d / read by Nitin-33

<Prev / Quote 129 of 133 / Next>

I've lived with these men, sir, for two and a half years and I will not order them all to their deaths.

#0e021eaf / read by Nitin-33

<Prev / Quote 130 of 133 / Next>

It's not necessary for you to ever tell me that you think I'm *right*.

#079ad67d / read by Arun-92

<Prev / Quote 131 of 133 / Next>

How'd we lose that good that was given us?

#076eb9a7 / read by Dhruva-62

<Prev / Quote 132 of 133 / Next>

This is very important decision you're makin', Staros.

#05695c27 / read by Nitin-33

<Prev / Quote 133 of 133 / Next>