The Thin Red Line 1998
You are my sons, my dear sons. You live inside me now. I'll carry you wherever I go.
Why are you such a trouble maker Witt?
#f0c7bee3 / read by Saradha-18
Well, isn't that what you like to do?
#ef626471 / read by Saradha-18
One single man in all this madness. If you die, it's gonna be for nothing.
It makes no difference who you are, no matter how much training you got and the tougher guy you might be.
I couldn't find nothin' beautiful or uplifting about her goin' back to God.
#df5dcccc / read by Suneetha-55
Who's killing us, robbing us of life and light, mocking us with the sight of what we might've known?
Then the next day it's like we never even met.
#dd36fae1 / read by Suneetha-55
The only time you should start worrying about a soldier is when they stop bitchin'.
#da83eb6f / read by CHANDHINI-33
To have this battalion relieved in a defeat, or even to have it reinforced by troops from a reserve regiment, if we were stalled before reaching the top, well,
What do you mean?
#d56ff25f-a / read by VIVEK-96
How did we loose all the good that was given us?. Let it slip away. Scattered careless.
#d48ceff1 / read by Suneetha-55
If I go first, I'll wait for you there, on the other side of the dark waters.
#cae122e0 / read by CHANDHINI-33
My dear wife, you get something twisted out of your insides by all this blood, filth, and noise.
How'd it break up and come apart, so that now we're turned against each other?
#ba0f2133 / read by CHANDHINI-33
Only one thing a man can do - find something that's his, and make an island for himself.
#aa4b51be / read by CHANDHINI-33
Does our ruin benefit the earth, does it help the grass to grow, the sun to shine?
#a16fa7a0 / read by CHANDHINI-33
John, I'm convinced that the Japanese position can be broken right now.
#9d83fe94 / read by CHANDHINI-33
I wondered how it'd be like when I died, what it'd be like to know this breath now was the last one you was ever gonna draw.
I've worked, slaved, eaten untold buckets of shit to have this opportunity and I don't intend to give it up now.
I just hope I can meet it the same way she did, with the same... calm. 'Cause that's where it's hidden - the immortality I hadn't seen.
In a situation like that aII a man can do is shut his eyes and let nothing touch him.
If I never meet you in this life, let me feel the lack; a glance from your eyes, and my life will be yours.
Do you imagine your suffering will be any less because you loved goodness and truth?
You still believin in the beautiful light are ya? How do you do that? You're a magician to me.
Is this darkness in you, too? Have you passed through this night?
#4e63b594 / read by CHANDHINI-33
Everything a lie... Everything you hear, everything you see... So much to spew out...
Captain, you say one more word to thank me, I'II knock you right in the teeth.
#3ff18610 / read by CHANDHINI-33
You feel like a son to me, John. You know what my son does? He's a bait salesman.
We're living in a world that's blowing itself to hell as fast as everybody can arrange it.
Maybe all men got one big soul everybody's a part of, all faces are the same man. One big self.
We. We together. One being. Flow together like water. Till I can't tell you from me. I drink you. Now. Now.
The tough part is, uh... Not knowing if you're doing any good. That's the hard part.
I've waited all my life for this.
#2ef9fe14 / read by CHANDHINI-33
You mention me in your fuckin' orders and I'II resign so fast and Ieave you here to run this busted-up outfit by yourself. You understand?
Well, I want to take advantage of that before something happens to sap their strength.
There's not some other world out there where everything's gonna be okay. There's just this one, just this rock.
I've lived with these men, sir, for two and a half years and I will not order them all to their deaths.