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The Shape of Water 2017

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The thing we keep in there is an affront. Do you know what an affront is, Zelda?

#f8f125fd / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 1 of 90 / Next>

That story about Samson. I never told you how it ends.

#f7951bc5 / read by VIVEK-96

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Kill it. Destroy it.

#f60e6661 / read by VIVEK-96

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He's a wild creature. We can't ask him to be anything else.

#f5f51389 / read by VIVEK-96

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Our universe will have a hole in it, with your outline.

#f4416a75 / read by VIVEK-96

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This creature is intelligent. Capable of language... Of understanding emotions!

#f2f73c1c / read by VIVEK-96

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In the last days of a fair prince's reign.

#f28a94e9 / read by VIVEK-96

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Time is but a river flowing from our past.

#ef981109 / read by VIVEK-96

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Elisa honey, make a sound on the phone if you can hear.

#ecb34d1d / read by Wilma-81

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Maybe it's the air down there. Not enough oxygen or somethin'.

#eca05036 / read by VIVEK-96

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You know sometimes I think I was either born too early or too late for my life.

#e5e3e142 / read by Arun-92

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Never trust a man. Even when he looks flat down there.

#de07c9f0 / read by VIVEK-96

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He's bleeding. What happened?

#dd81a38e / read by Wilma-81

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And at the last minute he is spared. And the Lord gives him his strength back! One last time.

#dc94ba16 / read by Arun-92

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Or perhaps I would just warn you, about the truth of these facts.

#d42f4edd / read by Varsha-55

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Soon. When the rain fills the canal that flows to the sea.

#cf5a5f17 / read by VIVEK-96

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You'll be lost to civilization, and you will be unborn, unmade, and undone.

#cbd2d047 / read by VIVEK-96

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Now, is he a god? I dunno if he's a god.

#c9afe686 / read by VIVEK-96

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And the tale of love and loss. And the monster, who tried to destroy it all.

#c47b827c / read by Varsha-55

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Man is as silent as the grave.

#c344116b / read by VIVEK-96

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Would I tell you about the time?

#bb61775e / read by Brinda-85

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Oh no, no, that's very good advice.

#ba3bb1af / read by VIVEK-96

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Now, whatever this thing is, you need it.

#b87d2c88 / read by Wilma-81

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You deliver. You deliver, that's what you do, you deliver. Right? RIGHT?

#b5b7514b / read by Wilma-81

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But - we're created in the Lord's image.

#b08c04ac / read by Wilma-81

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I look in the mirror and the only thing I recognize, are these eyes. In this old man's face.

#acc23cb2 / read by Brinda-85

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It takes a lotta lies to keep a marriage going.

#aaa250f2 / read by Wilma-81

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Or would I tell you about the place?

#a8cb7010 / read by VIVEK-96

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Two fingers, yeah. He got two fingers.

#a5c4457b / read by Wilma-81

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Your presence fills my eyes with Your love, It humbles my heart, For You are everywhere.

#a590dfb6 / read by VIVEK-96

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He does not know, what I lack... Or - how - I am incomplete.

#a1086ff3 / read by Varsha-55

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Life is but the shipwreck of our plans.

#9c741488 / read by Brinda-85

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What'd you say to me?

#9a6bb238 / read by Wilma-81

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There is no profit in last week's fish.

#9227aaaa / read by Wilma-81

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We need to take it apart, learn how it works.

#91be814f / read by Brinda-85

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Some of the best minds in the country peein' all over the floor in this here facility.

#9038c5a4 / read by Varsha-55

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We don't need to learn. We need Americans not to learn.

#9016b65c / read by Saikumar-90

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Unable to perceive the shape of You, I find You all around me.

#89bdd235 / read by Varsha-55

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Stands on two legs, right?

#80e02077 / read by Wilma-81

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Get him out? What are you talking about? No! Absolutely not!

#7fc38527 / read by Arun-92

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But the other kind of decency - it doesn't really matter.

#79910c4e / read by Wilma-81

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Either before, or after, I bring this particular temple down upon our heads.

#765a90c1 / read by Varsha-55

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I can either save him, or let him die.

#7633cede / read by Wilma-81

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If I told you about her, what would I say?

#721ef1d9 / read by Shuja-34

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He's happy - to see me. Every time. Every day.

#6c8ed1ee / read by Brinda-85

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He does it both times - points to a weakness in character.

#6c6d1a35 / read by Wilma-81

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But if farts were flattery? Honey, he'd be Shakespeare.

#6becce54 / read by Saikumar-90

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Do you know what happened to you, do you? Because I don't. I don't know what happened to me.

#6b906295 / read by Arun-92

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And - he holds the columns of the temple with his powerful arms, and he crushes 'em.

#6a2f5383 / read by Arun-92

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The princess without voice.

#69589ea4 / read by Sai-55

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A small city near the coast, but far from everything else.

#5ff251b4 / read by Wilma-81

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You don't think that's what the Lord looks like, do you?

#5b1b86d4 / read by Saikumar-90

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Oh! God, to be young and beautiful. If I could go back.

#59b79b0a / read by Varsha-55

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No sir. Mean little backstabbers, all of 'em.

#5905a157 / read by Saikumar-90

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I mean he ate a cat, so I mean, I don't, I don't know!

#56844d53 / read by Sai-55

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Sir, we need to get him back in the water.

#55681a69 / read by Saikumar-90

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That they lived happily ever after? I believe they did.

#5382b864 / read by Shuja-34

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I'm not competitive, I don't want an intricate, beautiful thing destroyed!

#52ac9b99 / read by Varsha-55

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That they were in love? That they remained in love? I'm sure that's true.

#5124f523 / read by Arun-92

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It happened a long time ago, it seems.

#4da87746 / read by Saikumar-90

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Now. I don't want to bolster or overstate the matter, but uh, this may very well be *the* most sensitive asset ever to be housed in this facility.

#4ca2399c / read by Varsha-55

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Short people are mean.

#4b690301 / read by Wilma-81

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So, you just tell me what to do.

#4aaf9cec / read by Saikumar-90

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If I spoke about it - if I did - what would I tell you? I wonder.

#492e73a2 / read by Brinda-85

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And you will have moved on. To - an alternate universe.

#4002baf8 / read by Saikumar-90

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Oh God! It's not even human.

#3a25bcb8 / read by Shuja-34

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It's an animal, Hoffstetler. Just keepin' it tame.

#392f0a10 / read by Shuja-34

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Oh! Woman, we gon' burn in hell!

#36aa3a9a / read by Brinda-85

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Let me say this up front. You clean that lab, you get out.

#34fc8143 / read by Saikumar-90

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So are the Soviets. The gooks. And we still kill them, don't we?

#32041e2b / read by Brinda-85

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OK, good. He's comin' for you. You gotta go now and you gotta take that thing with ya.

#2ffd4927 / read by Brinda-85

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I never met a short man that stays nice all the way through.

#2f07a452 / read by Arun-92

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But when I think of her - of Elisa - the only thing that comes to mind is a poem, whispered by someone in love, hundreds of years ago ..

#2e08fa30 / read by Arun-92

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If I told you about her, what would I say? I wonder.

#2d881aff / read by Saikumar-90

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He sees me, for what I - am, as I am.

#2d68735d / read by Shuja-34

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And you are the only person that I can talk to.

#2c5cf0b5 / read by Brinda-85

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I do not fail. I deliver.

#2811a1e5 / read by Sai-55

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I can't be in a negative frame of mind, Sir.

#261ed9fd / read by Brinda-85

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Lord help me if they ask me if I do! I'm not a good liar.

#258c862b / read by Saikumar-90

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When will you release him?

#215a9f27 / read by Shuja-34

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I have no one.

#1bc04472 / read by Shuja-34

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Have you always been alone? Did you ever have someone?

#17401ec9 / read by Shuja-34

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After the Philistines torture him, and blind him, Samson asks God for the strength he needs.

#13c1906a / read by Arun-92

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Now, I can either save him... or let him die.

#1212e06d / read by Shuja-34

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Maybe we're both just relics.

#0be93732 / read by Shuja-34

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We sell it, but it's an export. We sell it because we don't use it.

#07ce01d0 / read by Brinda-85

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You may think, 'That thing looks human.'

#07ba21e1 / read by Shuja-34

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The natives in the Amazon worshiped it. Like a god.

#063a4912 / read by Brinda-85

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When he looks at me, the way he looks at me...

#017b75ad / read by Saikumar-90

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Thirty-six hours from now, this entire episode will be over. And so will you.

#005c32cb / read by Varsha-55

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