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The Mist 2007

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With lines like these, I don't know how good it is. But I guess we'll have to make do.

#ffd43e43 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 1 of 80 / Next>

That's not what I was doing.

#f5493d00 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 2 of 80 / Next>

They won't believe us.

#f338bde8 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 3 of 80 / Next>

Don't go out there! There's something in the mist!

#f1be6d10 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 4 of 80 / Next>

I don't know, man, I've got nothing to do with it.

#ef7b847e / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 5 of 80 / Next>

It'll let us know you at least got three hundred feet.

#ed80af7b / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 6 of 80 / Next>

Want another reason to get the hell out of here?

#eb791830 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 7 of 80 / Next>

Lady, your tongue must be hung in the middle so that it can waggle at both ends.

#e966939e / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 8 of 80 / Next>

For Christ's sake, Ollie.

#e82d538b / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 9 of 80 / Next>

That's why I said thank you.

#d55b8720 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 10 of 80 / Next>

You gotta come look at... the boathouse smashed. Holy crap!

#d5416d15 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 11 of 80 / Next>

We had damage at the school, wouldn't you know.

#ce3b63f0 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 12 of 80 / Next>

Yes, the scientists! They must've ripped a hole through by accident.

#c65b34a3 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 13 of 80 / Next>

From up the mountain?

#b0e16b9d / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 14 of 80 / Next>

It wasn't my fault!

#aba5b1c3 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 15 of 80 / Next>

I can't accept that. People are basically good; decent.

#ab39cc4d / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 16 of 80 / Next>

That's what Donaldson was saying right before he killed himself. I didn't understand half of it.

#a08f7fb0 / read by Teja-84

<Prev / Quote 17 of 80 / Next>

What are you saying? What are you proposing?

#97564ee6 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 18 of 80 / Next>

Not ever. You don't mock me.

#96fac426 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 19 of 80 / Next>

I know. I just want to ask a favor.

#8f7970c2 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 20 of 80 / Next>

What do you know about this mist?

#86d289d9 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 21 of 80 / Next>

You got that kid killed, and I got his fucking blood on me!

#86a7bfad / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 22 of 80 / Next>

Ollie, what the hell were those tentacles even attached to?

#84d63f81 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 23 of 80 / Next>

Then, I guess... the joke will be on me afterall.

#84105db6 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 24 of 80 / Next>

I killed her.

#7f395221 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 25 of 80 / Next>

I had Bigfoot's baby.

#7e87be07 / read by Brinda-85

<Prev / Quote 26 of 80 / Next>

You know that, don't you?

#7a876773 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 27 of 80 / Next>

We have Judas in our midst!

#79046db5 / read by Brinda-85

<Prev / Quote 28 of 80 / Next>

Pair of underachievers.

#7859daf3 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 29 of 80 / Next>

Welcome to Sesame Street, kids. Today's word is 'expiation'.

#773e632f / read by Ramya-14

<Prev / Quote 30 of 80 / Next>

Not my door! It's the scientists!

#758b5d5d / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 31 of 80 / Next>

None, whatsoever.

#729f9b8b / read by Amit-65

<Prev / Quote 32 of 80 / Next>

Shut up, you miserable buzzard!

#70b74ed7 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 33 of 80 / Next>

You'd think educating children would be more of a priority in this country. But you'd be wrong.

#709921d9 / read by Varsha-55

<Prev / Quote 34 of 80 / Next>

Sorry mom, but you just gotta... come on, come on... whoa!

#6ec741fc / read by Ramya-14

<Prev / Quote 35 of 80 / Next>

I'd like to leave before people start drinking the Kool-Aid.

#6c592313 / read by Ramya-14

<Prev / Quote 36 of 80 / Next>

Satan's face appears in oil well fire.

#6b21212b / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 37 of 80 / Next>

Like corporate handouts, and building bonds.

#698fbc35 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 38 of 80 / Next>

But you take those things away, you throw people in the dark, you scare the shit out of them - no more rules.

#66738816 / read by Varsha-55

<Prev / Quote 39 of 80 / Next>

I'm not discussing this any further.

#6530a47f / read by Ramya-14

<Prev / Quote 40 of 80 / Next>

Leave it alone, David. You can't convince some people there's a fire even when their hair is burning. Denial is a powerful thing.

#5d0c9b52 / read by Arun-92

<Prev / Quote 41 of 80 / Next>

I heard stuff.

#5cf28f62 / read by Brinda-85

<Prev / Quote 42 of 80 / Next>

Government's got better things to spend our money on.

#59e9d1a5 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 43 of 80 / Next>

Fine, write down your names.

#57826007 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 44 of 80 / Next>

As a species we're fundamentally insane.

#562d8f5a / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 45 of 80 / Next>

My god, David, we're a civilized society.

#54790639 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 46 of 80 / Next>

That's how their world keeps on spilling through into ours.

#4df9030b / read by Brinda-85

<Prev / Quote 47 of 80 / Next>

He's a fucking kid. He's supposed to be stupid. What's your excuse?

#4ca7e1c2 / read by Ramya-14

<Prev / Quote 48 of 80 / Next>

They do it in the Bible, don't they? And I got lots of peas!

#42bd23b2 / read by Teja-84

<Prev / Quote 49 of 80 / Next>

What do you mean getting in? We shut the loading door.

#4127a2a8 / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 50 of 80 / Next>

You want me to report you? You want to lose your job?

#40501f46 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 51 of 80 / Next>

Now listen people.

#3cfe23fc / read by Amit-65

<Prev / Quote 52 of 80 / Next>

If we all prepare... to meet our maker...

#3630a525 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 53 of 80 / Next>

Jim Grondin. I had you in school, didn't I?

#3550fec6 / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 54 of 80 / Next>

I'll call the studio when the phones get back up, see if they can extend my deadline.

#351608f5 / read by Varsha-55

<Prev / Quote 55 of 80 / Next>

What we saw was impossible.

#3002cedd / read by Amit-65

<Prev / Quote 56 of 80 / Next>

We have to tell them. The people in the market. We have to stop them from going outside.

#2eac62b2 / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 57 of 80 / Next>

How do we... convince them?

#2e8a6920 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 58 of 80 / Next>

That's what we get for not fixing that roof when we should've.

#2e7a1ff4 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 59 of 80 / Next>

You just chat it over at your leisure.

#2d69544e / read by Ramya-14

<Prev / Quote 60 of 80 / Next>

Sure, as long as the machines are working and you can dial 911.

#2d3b2452 / read by Varsha-55

<Prev / Quote 61 of 80 / Next>

The day I need a friend like you, I'll just have myself a little squat and shit one out.

#27ce7635 / read by Arun-92

<Prev / Quote 62 of 80 / Next>

So... any boogeymen?

#2507c551 / read by Brinda-85

<Prev / Quote 63 of 80 / Next>

You kiddin'? They could whip up some bad Photoshop poster in an afternoon. They do it all the time, two big heads.

#2473f85a / read by Varsha-55

<Prev / Quote 64 of 80 / Next>

You have incredibly low standards.

#23c36740 / read by Amit-65

<Prev / Quote 65 of 80 / Next>

You don't have much faith in humanity, do you?

#1cb080d8 / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 66 of 80 / Next>

And no offense Mrs. Carmody, but the only way we're going to help ourselves is to seek rescue. We're going out.

#1aa07e20 / read by Varsha-55

<Prev / Quote 67 of 80 / Next>

David, there's nothing out there. Nothing in the mist.

#18fd51c9 / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 68 of 80 / Next>

Oh, prepare to meet shit!

#16dc3cda / read by Brinda-85

<Prev / Quote 69 of 80 / Next>

How was I supposed to know what you meant? You should've said what you meant better!

#129c2661 / read by Ramya-14

<Prev / Quote 70 of 80 / Next>

Yeah, but the entire front of the store is plate glass.

#110dae87 / read by Amit-65

<Prev / Quote 71 of 80 / Next>

Yeah, we all heard stuff!

#0d89708d / read by Brinda-85

<Prev / Quote 72 of 80 / Next>

The arrowhead project? Well, you're a local - any idea what they do up there?

#0d6ef800 / read by Ramya-14

<Prev / Quote 73 of 80 / Next>

Well, we gave it a good shot. Nobody can say we didn't.

#0d51b29e / read by Ramya-14

<Prev / Quote 74 of 80 / Next>

Hey, crazy lady, I believe in God, too.

#0d42a891 / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 75 of 80 / Next>

If you hit me again, if you dare, you'll be on your knees to me before this is through.

#0a31816d / read by Arun-92

<Prev / Quote 76 of 80 / Next>

You know, other... other worlds all around us, and how they wanted to try to make a window, you know, so they can look through and see what's on the other side.

#08aa71ba / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 77 of 80 / Next>

Hey Billy, take it easy, alright? I really don't want you running all over the place.

#063e3169 / read by Amit-65

<Prev / Quote 78 of 80 / Next>

Stoning people who piss you off is perfectly okay.

#04e75b9d / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 79 of 80 / Next>

We gotta discuss how we're going to stop that thing from getting in here.

#00ef3171 / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 80 of 80 / Next>