The Karate Kid 2010
And no matter what happens, tonight, when I leave, I don't want to be scared anymore.
Mom, look. In China, everything is old. There's old houses, old parks, old people.
Because I'm still scared.
#d45535ce / read by Pratheesh-54
Dre, you ready?
#a2009579 / read by Pratheesh-54
You don't know the rules?
#84fcf4c3 / read by Pratheesh-54
I get it. Like the Force in Star Wars.
#6b31f7d1 / read by Pratheesh-54
The maintenance man?
#691d3604 / read by Pratheesh-54
Do you think I could've won?
#67c77fa2 / read by Pratheesh-54
Beijing Academy of Music. Sounds important. You know, their initials spell... BAM!
Of course I know the rules. Simple. You hit him, don't let him hit you.
Well, I'm trying to get back up, and why won't you help me?
#54e1c034 / read by Sivakumar-51
_So what_ are we learning today?
#41efbc4f / read by Harshitha-30
You don't need to fight anymore. You have proven everything you need to prove.
#3b1c3028 / read by Sivakumar-51
Can I touch your hair?
#340e3e35 / read by Sivakumar-51
That's not balance, that's not real kung fu.
#307eff45 / read by Chethan-21
You're Yoda and I'm like... I'm like a Jedi.
#307b5d51 / read by Chethan-21
Look, this guy is at least four hundred years old.
#2a478315 / read by Sivakumar-51
You, like, didn't even punch them. They beat each other up.
#250589fb / read by Sivakumar-51
So let's do the fiery cup thing.
#24f13944 / read by Chethan-21
Life will knock us down, but we can choose whether or not to stand back up.
Where is your jacket?
#238af392 / read by Sivakumar-51
Yes, all the way back where you hide it.
#1fb151ee / read by Chethan-21
Best fights are the ones we avoid.
#1f70939a / read by Sreekanth-08
What, that I can get beat up easy and then quit?
#1aa99223 / read by Sreekanth-08
Mr Han's teaching me kung fu.
#04d45667 / read by Sreekanth-08