Tangled 2010
Really let that seep in. What are you getting?
#fe6d1f06 / read by Sreekanth-08
Well, that's okay! I mean, what she doesn't know won't kill her, right?
That's a lot of hair.
#f8699954 / read by Sreekanth-08
I know not who you are, nor how I came to find you, but may I just say... Hi. How ya doin'?
I didn't want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice. Here comes the smolder.
Would this break her heart and crush her soul? Of course. But you've just got to do it.
I've been looking out of a window for eighteen years, dreaming about what I might feel like when those lights rise in the sky.
You know, I can't help but notice you seem a little at war with yourself here.
Beloved by all, she let the kingdom with all the grace and wisdom that her parents did before her.
And as for this guy, well I assumed he's happy. He's never told me otherwise.
I don't know why, but overall it just smells like the color brown. Your thoughts?
Oh, you see that old woman over there? You might want to remember her. She's kind of important.
So! You're being strangely cryptic as you wrap your magic hair around my injured hand.
Don't worry, this is actually a very fun story and the truth is, it isn't even mine.
Actually he had enough money to do anything that he wanted to do. He could go anywhere that he wanted to go.
You see, instead of sharing the sun's magical gift, this woman, Mother Gothel, hoarded its healing power and used it to keep herself young for hundreds of years.
You can tear this tower apart brick by brick, but without my help, you will never find your precious satchel.
Well, centuries past and hop skip and a boat ride away there grow a kingdom.
You can't tell anyone about this, okay? It could ruin my whole reputation.
Swashbuckling rogue, richest man alive, not bad with the ladies, either. Not that he'd ever brag about it, of course.
Let's just assume for the moment that everyone in here doesn't like me!
Flower gleam and glow. Let your powers shine.
#97b506ae / read by Shriram-60
And this guy, well he eventually found true love.
#96969ade / read by Sreekanth-08
Guys, I want a castle.
#964241fb / read by Shriram-60
The party lasted an entire week, and honestly, I don't remember most of it.
#9421e8ef / read by Subhajit-81
Blah blah blah blah blah, it's very annoying!
#9288e12b / read by Sreekanth-08
You were my new dream.
#8e3d9b8f / read by Shriram-60
Ooh, I'll bet my surprise is bigger!
#862ff61c / read by Sreekanth-08
I can't believe that after all we've been through together, you don't... trust me?
Too weak to handle myself out there, huh, Mother?
#857258f7 / read by Sreekanth-08
And when I promise something, I never ever break that promise.
#7908a316 / read by Subhajit-81
Rapunzel! Let down your hair!
#78061d7f / read by Subhajit-81
Rapunzel! Let down your hair!
#78061d7f-a / read by Musaib-53
Rapunzel, please, stop with the mumbling. You know how I feel about the mumbling.
That guy went on to become the most famous concert pianist in the world if you can believe it.
I tried to warn you what was out there. The world is dark and selfish and cruel.
What if it's not everything I dreamed it would be?
#646f3457 / read by Subhajit-81
And - and for a kid with nothing, I don't know. It just seemed like the better option.
And from this small drop of sunlight grew a magic golden flower. It had the ability to heal the sick and injured.
Dreams came true all over the place.
#5ddd0ef7 / read by Subhajit-81
I distinctly remember, your birthday was last year.
#5b49d446 / read by Subhajit-81
I believe this is the man you're looking for.
#5a17a88a / read by Subhajit-81
I'm just teasing, you're adorable. I love you so much, darling.
#5a040ddf / read by Subhajit-81
Do you know what I see? I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady. Oh look, you're here too!
Did I ever tell you I've got a thing for brunettes?
#5882c0de / read by Subhajit-81
I get back my satchel and you get back a mother-daughter relationship based on mutual trust, and viola, we part ways as unlikely friends.
Now, once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens.
#557e863c / read by Subhajit-81
Something brought you here, Flynn Rider. Call it what you will, fate, destiny...
She was running out of time and that's when people usually start to look for a miracle. Or in this case, a magic golden flower.
#55451120 / read by Akanksha-14
#51de289b / read by Subhajit-81
Who are you, and how did you find me?
#4e95dc6c / read by Subhajit-81
Well, you could imagine what happen next.
#4cde9c02 / read by Subhajit-81
Overprotective mother, forbidden road trip. I mean, this is serious stuff.
I'm just teasing!
#4b7add79 / read by Subhajit-81
There was this book. A book I used to read every night to all the younger kids, 'The Tales of Flynnagan Rider.'
#4b75dda1 / read by Akanksha-14
Is there any chance that I'm going to get super strength in my hand? Because I'm not gonna lie, that would be stupendous...
#444a9924 / read by Akanksha-14
Her hair glows! The hair actually glows.
#42fc97db / read by Subhajit-81
That's the funny thing about birthdays, they're kind of an annual thing.
#42dedd0c / read by Akanksha-14
Well, a fake reputation is all a man has.
#42576ad7 / read by Subhajit-81
So Mother, earlier I was saying tomorrow is a really big day, and you didn't really respond, so I'm just gonna tell you: IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! Tada!
#404ec203 / read by Akanksha-14
But I know what the big question is. Did Rapunzel and I ever get married?
#3bfe3586 / read by Akanksha-14
Let me just get this straight, I take you to see the lanterns, bring you back home, and you'll give me back my satchel?
#3bf34b58 / read by Akanksha-14
#395d9d2a / read by Subhajit-81
This is the story of a girl named Rapunzel and it starts with the sun.
#35ef8776 / read by Akanksha-14
Then I don't know why it takes so long.
#33cea97f / read by Subhajit-81
Well, I am happy to say after years and years of asking, I finally said yes.
Sorry, blondie, I don't do backstory. However, I am becoming very interested in yours.
Stay calm. It can probably smell fear.
#14094b6e / read by Subhajit-81
If it finds even the slightest ray of sunshine, it destroys it!
#0feb0c39 / read by Subhajit-81
Mother knows best.
#0fe179a5 / read by Subhajit-81
Thanks to Maximus, crime on the kingdom dissapeared almost every night. As did most of the apples.
I can't believe I did this! I can't believe I did this. I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THIS!
I've gotta say, I didn't know you had that in you back there. That was pretty impressive.
How you manage to do that every single day without fail! It looks absolutely exhausting, darling!
At last, Rapunzel was home and she finally had a real family. She was a princess worth waiting for.
Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine ..
#0177362a / read by Subhajit-81