Spy Kids 2001
What are you talking about?
#cc5503a7 / read by Shriram-60
You're supposed to be in line with the others.
#ca8c9ba5 / read by Shriram-60
Better stop calling me names!
#ca3638fa / read by Shriram-60
Our only chance is to get to the control room and hope that their missions have not been programmed.
Mom! He's mimicking me!
#c6f7bf87 / read by Selvimeena-70
Mom, I've been skipping school, going places, taking ferry rides in the city...
Stop that this instance!
#b7528d80 / read by Shriram-60
What was the story tonight?
#b474bdfe / read by Shriram-60
We'll be back for you, fellow agents.
#b10202a5 / read by Shriram-60
We are definitely gonna be late for school.
#aa9ded11 / read by Selvimeena-70
What do you think you're doing? You're supposed to be in line with the others.
Spy work, that's easy.
#a9199552 / read by Selvimeena-70
Floop, you're spending too much time on this program when you should be more concerned with our grand diabolical plan.
Sure I do... diaper lady.
#9e57dff7 / read by Shriram-60
What's so special about being a Cortez?
#96b5410a / read by Selvimeena-70
It's OK. It's OK. I know.
#8d1f8ab8 / read by Shriram-60
But it's not that simple!
#8255944e / read by Deekshitha-72
Then there's no one on Earth who can stop them.
#6d687825 / read by Selvimeena-70
Oh shiitake mushrooms.
#68d1d47d / read by Saradha-18
My parents can't be spies! They're not cool enough!
#5bbb9b2e / read by Shriram-60
I have to take you to the safe house.
#4dadce2e / read by Deekshitha-72
We'll talk about it when we get home.
#1887b4b3 / read by Spoorthi-74
Teach them to be good!
#0d297ae3 / read by Saradha-18