Shaun of the Dead 2004
I've known him since primary school, you know? I like having him around, he's a laugh.
We take Pete's car, we drive over to Mum's, we go in, take care of Philip - then we grab Mum, we go over to Liz's place, hole up, have a cup of tea and wait for this whole thing to blow over.
One unifying detail seems to be that the attackers in many instances appear to be...
You know, I don't think I've got it in me to shoot my flatmate, my mum, and my girlfriend all in the same night.
If we hole up, I wanna be somewhere familiar, I wanna know where the exits are, and I wanna be allowed to smoke.
Well, your mum rang about you going around tomorrow night, and then Liz rang about the two of you eating out tonight, and then your mum rang back to see if I wanted to eat her out tonight.
As Bertrand Russell once said, 'The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation.'
It's not hip hop, it's Electro. Prick... Next time I see him, he's dead.
Make no attempt to reach loved ones, and avoid all physical contact with the assailants.
Well you did call him a you-know-what!
#8573384d / read by Subhajit-81
Though no one official is prepared to comment, religious groups are calling it Judgement Day.
#6ff1f591 / read by Subhajit-81
.. how can you put your faith in a man you spectacularly binned for being unreliable?
#6a2c2f1d / read by Subhajit-81
Just look at the face: it's vacant, with a hint of sadness. Like a drunk who's lost a bet.
Look, I don't care what the telly says, all right? We *have* to get out of here.
#663c673a / read by Subhajit-81
Who died and made you fucking king of the zombies?
#5f91d4a4 / NSFW / read by Subhajit-81
Don't point that gun at my mum!
#5d8466c6 / read by Subhajit-81
Claims that the virus was caused by rage-infected monkeys have now been dismissed as bull...
#5c19a8ae / read by Akanksha-14
It's just with Ed here, it's no wonder I always bring my flat-mates out and then that only exacerbates things.
#55e16ff2 / read by Akanksha-14
Yeah, it was Guinness Extra Cold.
#54ee77f1 / read by Subhajit-81
Oh, he sells a bit of weed every now and again, you know. You've sold puff.
#544c2ba3 / read by Subhajit-81
I can't see any. Maybe it's not as bad as all that.
#4eee9505 / read by Subhajit-81
Yeah, but Big Al says dogs can't look up!
#4a88ec6f / read by Subhajit-81
Do you believe everything you hear on TV?
#47279376 / read by Subhajit-81
A man whose idea of a romantic nightspot and an impenetrable fortress are the same thing?
#45bdf1ab / read by Subhajit-81
No, what does 'exacerbate' mean?
#3db66498 / read by Subhajit-81
I dunno by some crackheads or something, one of them bit me.
#3ccef65b / read by Subhajit-81
#3b330ed4 / NSFW / read by Subhajit-81
All right, I admit, he can pretty funny on occasion.
#2ba7d8e9 / read by Subhajit-81
I know he's your best friend, but you do _live with him_.
#2a78857d / read by Subhajit-81
No! Go ahead, look at me. Can I just say one more thing?
#2877d060 / read by Subhajit-81
Witness reports at best are sketchy.
#282e4228 / read by Subhajit-81
As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no 'I' in team, but there is an 'I' in pie.
#271fbd15 / read by Subhajit-81
Get fucked, four eyes! Why don't you go out with her if you love her so much?
#269af394 / NSFW / read by Subhajit-81
Mum, look, what would you say if I told you that over the years Philip's been quite unkind to me?
#258944f2 / read by Subhajit-81
Basically, I'd say your nine lives are up, Shaun
#22a5a228 / read by Subhajit-81
You didn't tell me Barbara had a Jag. I've always wanted to drive one of those.
#2231e969 / read by Subhajit-81
Thanks, babe.
#1f197831 / read by Subhajit-81
I didn't want to cramp your style.
#168ce340 / read by Subhajit-81
That wasn't true. Made it up. Shouldn't have done. Sorry.
#15ff6782 / read by Subhajit-81
Now, I have a splitting headache, and your stupid hip hop isn't helping.
#12b3cde8 / read by Subhajit-81
Well you weren't always the easiest person to live with.
#125db5b3 / read by Subhajit-81
Some men tried to get into the house.
#1043dfd7 / read by Subhajit-81
Would anyone like... a peanut?
#0dc242b2 / read by Subhajit-81
I'm quite all right, Barbara, I ran it under a cold tap.
#0affa546 / read by Subhajit-81
If we don't they'll tear us to pieces, and that is really going to exacerbate things for all of us.
#083c95ad / read by Subhajit-81