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Pitch Black 2000

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Don't tell me you're going off too.

#fc62e52a / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 1 of 96 / Next>

Let me tell you what I think happened.

#fad0a349 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 2 of 96 / Next>

So, what the hell do we tell them about you?

#f7094482 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 3 of 96 / Next>

Lotta questions, whoever we run into. Could even be a merc ship.

#f325371d / read by Muskan-67

<Prev / Quote 4 of 96 / Next>

Come on, Johns. You got the big gauge.

#f01a61c2 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 5 of 96 / Next>

This is an emergency from merchant vessel Hunter Gratzner, en route to the Tangiers system with commercial passengers on board.

#eff2cf0c / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 6 of 96 / Next>

That would be my choice.

#eed18cae / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 7 of 96 / Next>

What's it matter, Carolyn?

#e93ab01e / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 8 of 96 / Next>

Look, being ballsy with your life doesn't change what came before. It's just stupid.

#e7239813 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 9 of 96 / Next>

A long time for something to go wrong...

#e321f01e / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 10 of 96 / Next>

And here's my real problem. Mr. Johns... the blue-eyed devil.

#da29c2d6 / read by Chethan-21

<Prev / Quote 11 of 96 / Next>

Battlefield doctors decide who lives and dies. It's called 'triage'.

#d54d5a4e / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 12 of 96 / Next>

Gotta kill a few people.

#d0dd63e7 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 13 of 96 / Next>

Most days I'd take that as a compliment.

#d0b90a1f / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 14 of 96 / Next>

I think he went off on the guy and buried him in the hill somewhere, and now he's got you believing there's something else out there.

#ce87a906 / read by Chethan-21

<Prev / Quote 15 of 96 / Next>

You're dancing on razor blades here.

#c92191d8 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 16 of 96 / Next>

He died fast, and if we have any choice about it, that's the way we all should go out.

#c2cc6f63 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 17 of 96 / Next>

Where the hell can I get eyes like that?

#c1c29915 / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 18 of 96 / Next>

They say most of your brain shuts down in cryo-sleep.

#bf01a2d3 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 19 of 96 / Next>

Amazing how you can do without the essentials of life, so long as you have the little luxuries.

#b7249338 / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 20 of 96 / Next>

Back to the ship, huh?

#b5be0944 / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 21 of 96 / Next>

I have already prayed with the others. It is painless.

#b412f25d / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 22 of 96 / Next>

Paris P. Olgilvie. Antiquities dealer, entrepreneur.

#b4027dd7 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 23 of 96 / Next>

Should he just stay locked up forever?

#b0cb756a / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 24 of 96 / Next>

Only around humans.

#ae485082 / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 25 of 96 / Next>

Zeke, fully-loaded clip. Safety's on. One shot if you spot him, okay?

#ab8cdd68 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 26 of 96 / Next>

The canyon's only a couple of hundred meters, and after that it's skiff city, so why don't you butch up, stuff a cork in this fucking kid, and let's go.

#ab46779e / NSFW / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 27 of 96 / Next>

Heard an Arab voice.

#a871340e / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 28 of 96 / Next>

Here, you got two mornings everyday. Wow, you're just born lucky.

#a5302400 / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 29 of 96 / Next>

He'd probably get you here, right here, under the chin, and you'd never even hear him.

#a525c9d9 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 30 of 96 / Next>

Sweat, boots, tool belt, leather.

#9ec5e58d / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 31 of 96 / Next>

Prospector type. Free settlers.

#9e8d6a35 / read by Kushal-35

<Prev / Quote 32 of 96 / Next>

Yes, Riddick. I would. I would die for them.

#9c2b8daa / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 33 of 96 / Next>

All you people are so scared of me.

#9b21bcf9 / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 34 of 96 / Next>

Planning on taking me back to slam... only this time he picked a ghost lane.

#986902fa / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 35 of 96 / Next>

I'd rather piss glass. Why don't you go fuckin' check?

#9786bda1 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 36 of 96 / Next>

But it ain't me you gotta worry about now.

#963b2289 / read by Kushal-35

<Prev / Quote 37 of 96 / Next>

There will be no shots.

#96316c81 / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 38 of 96 / Next>

Somebody's gonna get hurt one of these days. It ain't gonna be me.

#95133546 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 39 of 96 / Next>

Strong survival instinct. I admire that in a woman.

#8dbebeb7 / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 40 of 96 / Next>

You said it was clear!

#8a98370b / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 41 of 96 / Next>

We should've stayed at the ship.

#867c827c / read by Kushal-35

<Prev / Quote 42 of 96 / Next>

Around 79 kilos, to be exact.

#850657f1 / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 43 of 96 / Next>

But they forgot to lock the celler.

#82451799 / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 44 of 96 / Next>

Tell them Riddick's dead. He died somewhere back on that planet.

#80c232c8 / read by Muskan-67

<Prev / Quote 45 of 96 / Next>

Well, how does it look now?

#7ffff70d / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 46 of 96 / Next>

No, you didn't. You never said you were a hype, either.

#752db401 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 47 of 96 / Next>

Sounded like 40, 40-plus.

#745035de / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 48 of 96 / Next>

No, no. You're right, Carolyn. What's to be afraid of?

#72193a51 / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 49 of 96 / Next>

Transporting me with civilians.

#6fa591ac / read by Kushal-35

<Prev / Quote 50 of 96 / Next>

I said I'd die for them, not you. Come on!

#6eb921d2 / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 51 of 96 / Next>

Is he really that dangerous?

#6c9eed59 / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 52 of 96 / Next>

Don't you cry for Johns. Don't you dare.

#6a98fb23 / read by Kushal-35

<Prev / Quote 53 of 96 / Next>

So can I talk to him now?

#67f833b6 / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 54 of 96 / Next>

But what happens if Mr. Riddick spots us first?

#65fa2fc4 / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 55 of 96 / Next>

Because you do not believe in God does not mean God does not believe in you.

#63dd60ed / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 56 of 96 / Next>

No wonder I'm still awake.

#6021de66 / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 57 of 96 / Next>

You mean this? This is just a personal grooming appliance.

#5d3bca39 / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 58 of 96 / Next>

Can we just go back to the ship?

#5cfcfdea / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 59 of 96 / Next>

You know I am? You don't know anything about me. I will leave you here.

#594107c5 / read by Chethan-21

<Prev / Quote 60 of 96 / Next>

That's how good Riddick is!

#5786e63f / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 61 of 96 / Next>

Is anybody else having trouble breathing?

#57762d52 / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 62 of 96 / Next>

Some hoodoo holy man, probably on his way to New Mecca.

#54d3c28c / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 63 of 96 / Next>

That's death row up there, especially with the girl bleeding.

#52b7ed51 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 64 of 96 / Next>

My life's just a steaming pile of meaningless shit anyhow.

#4d529488 / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 65 of 96 / Next>

You're a cop. For God's sake, we couldn't find his body.

#49f8ae2b / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 66 of 96 / Next>

Is that the big plan?

#4364e4c4 / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 67 of 96 / Next>

We're gonna lose everybody out here.

#41ed5784 / read by Kushal-35

<Prev / Quote 68 of 96 / Next>

What? Are you high again? Just listen to yourself, Johns.

#3f557801 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 69 of 96 / Next>

All but the primitive side, the animal side.

#3d026239 / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 70 of 96 / Next>

You dig up a doctor, and you pay him 20 menthol Kools to do a surgical shine job on your eyeballs.

#3af12a0d / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 71 of 96 / Next>

He loves to jaw-jack and he loves to make you feel afraid because that's all he has, and you're playing right into it.

#38ae02ae / read by Muskan-67

<Prev / Quote 72 of 96 / Next>

What? You think I'm trying to prove something?

#36e050e3 / read by Kiran-72

<Prev / Quote 73 of 96 / Next>

Tell me, did you run away from your parents, or did they run away from you?

#3456a4fa / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 74 of 96 / Next>

Just huddle together, until the lights burn out? 'Til you can't see what's eating you?

#33f8e666 / read by Chethan-21

<Prev / Quote 75 of 96 / Next>

Think he could start out in some liquor store trash bin with an umbilical cord wrapped around his neck and not believe?

#315ce319 / read by Chethan-21

<Prev / Quote 76 of 96 / Next>

I said it *looked* clear.

#27c33068 / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 77 of 96 / Next>

A long time between stops.

#27039a32 / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 78 of 96 / Next>

It's the winner of the look alike contest.

#2598f70b / read by Kushal-35

<Prev / Quote 79 of 96 / Next>

You have a little caffeine in the morning. I have a little morphine. So what?

#2353f13f / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 80 of 96 / Next>

He just escaped from a maximum security prison.

#23233dba / read by Kiran-72

<Prev / Quote 81 of 96 / Next>

People, just a suggestion. Perhaps you should *flee*!

#22ee4ddd / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 82 of 96 / Next>

I truly don't know what's gonna happen when the lights go out, Carolyn, but I do know, once the dying starts, this little psycho family of ours is gonna rip itself apart.

#1d3836f5 / read by Chethan-21

<Prev / Quote 83 of 96 / Next>

I don't know why I'm trying to explain this to you, Johns.

#1c56b4c9 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 84 of 96 / Next>

And they only take the back roads.

#18f0fd63 / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 85 of 96 / Next>

So you can see who's sneaking up on you in the dark?

#17d8a58b / read by Kushal-35

<Prev / Quote 86 of 96 / Next>

So I say mush on.

#16e9181f / read by Asfiya-41

<Prev / Quote 87 of 96 / Next>

They kept calling it 'murder' when I did it.

#14c902ee / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 88 of 96 / Next>

I was supposed to die in France. I never even saw France.

#13275ceb / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 89 of 96 / Next>

How much do you weigh, Johns?

#1039151b / read by Kiran-72

<Prev / Quote 90 of 96 / Next>

Think someone could spend half their life in a slam with a horse bit in their mouth and not believe?

#05c3b548 / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 91 of 96 / Next>

Then you got to get sent to a slam, where they tell you you'll never see daylight again.

#05850d01 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 92 of 96 / Next>

But what route? What route?

#0517537a / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 93 of 96 / Next>

I know you don't prep your emergency ship unless there's an emergency.

#03761f1e / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 94 of 96 / Next>

So... I guess something went wrong.

#025666ec / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 95 of 96 / Next>

Richard B. Riddick. Escaped convict. Murderer.

#0019eeef / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 96 of 96 / Next>