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Outbreak 1995

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Now, as I understand it, you want to firebomb the town of Cedar Creek,

#fff12205 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 1 of 109 / Next>

The president's ETA from the East Asian Economic Summit is about 20 hours from now.

#ff9d1a89 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 2 of 109 / Next>

A leak? No shit!

#ff30f1f0 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 3 of 109 / Next>

Oh my God, it's our African friend. It's come back!

#fc217102 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 4 of 109 / Next>

You want a hotshot scope-jockey, fine, but, frankly, I'm hurt.

#fac8b904 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 5 of 109 / Next>

Then we'll kill him.

#f68b39ad / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 6 of 109 / Next>

So you're right, it is contained.

#f5d1cce2 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 7 of 109 / Next>

I remind you that you are interfering with Presidential authority.

#f50831df / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 8 of 109 / Next>

What was I supposed to do, leave them tied to a tree with a 5 pound bag of kibble?

#f06f2682 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 9 of 109 / Next>

Fine, *you* fly, and *I'll* jump.

#ef2d30e9 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 10 of 109 / Next>

You know, Colonel Daniels is not going to like us going behind his back like this.

#eb3a3782 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 11 of 109 / Next>

That's what you did to me.

#eb3a2c59 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 12 of 109 / Next>

Tell my girl I love her.

#e96b8375 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 13 of 109 / Next>

You're so goddamn sentimental. That's the trouble with this country.

#e8448061 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 14 of 109 / Next>

Those are the citizens of Cedar Creek. Go on, look at them.

#e4273310 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 15 of 109 / Next>

Alright, just get me down lower.

#df4695a0 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 16 of 109 / Next>

We got a terrible epidemic. We're from Cedar Creek, CA.

#dd70b6c4 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 17 of 109 / Next>

If you are in his way he cannot complete his bombing run, and there will be hell to pay!

#d1296e28 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 18 of 109 / Next>

Oh, now I'm only as smart as you.

#cd21ee15 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 19 of 109 / Next>

Now, that is exactly my point, Sam.

#c8c99c79 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 20 of 109 / Next>

Oh, come on, Casey. You have to admire its simplicity. It's one billionth our size and it's beating us.

#c682160e / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 21 of 109 / Next>

No, you're not gonna die.

#c519736a / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 22 of 109 / Next>

I'm gonna die, right?

#c1d4e8df / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 23 of 109 / Next>

Wrong again. But you're right about this?

#c110e914 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 24 of 109 / Next>

I have a friend in the Coast Guard, all I have to do is call...

#bfa56330 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 25 of 109 / Next>

Colonel Daniels from USAMRIID.

#bf5a4437 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 26 of 109 / Next>

I don't wanna bust up your party, sir, but you gotta issue an alert.

#bc7634c7 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 27 of 109 / Next>

Closer than his wife would like.

#bc7456a1 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 28 of 109 / Next>

How many? About a billion.

#ba1f6111 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 29 of 109 / Next>

No member of this government is going to go sneaking off to the Washington Post, telling them how they were the 'sole voice of opposition'.

#b81e79a5 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 30 of 109 / Next>

If you think I'm crazy, drop the bomb.

#b4c68de3 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 31 of 109 / Next>

The way it works - it explodes, sucks in all available oxygen to the core, vaporizes everything within a mile of ground zero, men, women, children, and one airborne virus.

#b30b9ec7 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 32 of 109 / Next>

He wants a recommendation by then from this group.

#b09fba0c / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 33 of 109 / Next>

We need all the bills of landing from ships arriving from Africa in the last 3 months. George, shall I cough on you?

#ae4f619b / read by Muskan-67

<Prev / Quote 34 of 109 / Next>

And I want you to burn those into your memories.

#aceea395 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 35 of 109 / Next>

One goes in, millions come out. Every cell is dead.

#ab34da4b / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 36 of 109 / Next>

You found two lousy cases of Congo fever in Nairobi and we put a note to every American kid's lunchbox. You remember that?

#ab0cfe8e / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 37 of 109 / Next>

Lighten up, Billy. We have no alternative.

#aa9cbfd9 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 38 of 109 / Next>

It's even worse than I though. Get the plane here by 1900 hours.

#a86d335a / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 39 of 109 / Next>

I'm not gonna tell her. You're gonna tell her yourself, alright?

#a23b2f61 / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 40 of 109 / Next>

Come on, Casey. You have to love its simplicity.

#a150a312 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 41 of 109 / Next>

We'll have the blood tested for you, Henry.

#a0ef2920 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 42 of 109 / Next>

If one of them have it then ten of them will have it and if one of them leave Cedar Creek then we're in deep fucking shit... we're already in deep fucking shit!

#9f92d7b3 / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 43 of 109 / Next>

If there is a voice of opposition out there, I want him in here, now!

#9ae0d117 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 44 of 109 / Next>

So, what do you want to do, take it to dinner?

#9a96d64e / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 45 of 109 / Next>

Destruction complete, case closed, crisis over.

#9834f9c8 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 46 of 109 / Next>

Cedar Creek, site of the viral infection.

#969a56ea / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 47 of 109 / Next>

Normal, healthy kidney cells before they met the virus.

#94f987ee / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 48 of 109 / Next>

Now we see them individually, searching for the next victim until there's nothing left to kill.

#92d8e9e4 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 49 of 109 / Next>

This could mean my stripes, sir.

#9116d9b3 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 50 of 109 / Next>

How close a friend?

#90b1bcde / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 51 of 109 / Next>

But it does say, several times, that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process.

#8f239d12 / read by Nilima-98

<Prev / Quote 52 of 109 / Next>

And in just two hours, its offspring have invaded cells

#82735b53 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 53 of 109 / Next>

Colonel Briggs. What a wonderful moment this must be for you!

#823a56e1 / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 54 of 109 / Next>

Close enough to what?

#8146b092 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 55 of 109 / Next>

You got up this morning, didn't you?

#7fb9b5d9 / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 56 of 109 / Next>

Then I'm your man sir.

#7e0b7c0a / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 57 of 109 / Next>

It is the very lethality of this virus which is working for us here.

#792202d8 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 58 of 109 / Next>

Men wounded in battle, we can deal with.

#78e29bca / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 59 of 109 / Next>

I hate this bug.

#75aab85c / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 60 of 109 / Next>

I don't find anything in it about vaporizing 2,600 American citizens.

#74df6be9 / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 61 of 109 / Next>

Why don't you just for once take a chance?

#739d796f / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 62 of 109 / Next>

Sir, my pilot is taking a leak.

#6acdad0f / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 63 of 109 / Next>

With all due respect, Colonel Daniels, if you do not follow us to Travis Air Force Base, I will blow you out of the sky.

#67599058 / read by Muskan-67

<Prev / Quote 64 of 109 / Next>

You know Salt, fear gets a bad rap. I don't want anybody in my outfit that doesn't get scared.

#655e28fc / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 65 of 109 / Next>

We'll get you everything you need, doctor.

#649576a3 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 66 of 109 / Next>

We need supplies. Plasma. Penicillin.

#642c41fa / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 67 of 109 / Next>

These numbers can't be right Ebola takes days to do this damage.

#622e37c7 / read by Silus-25

<Prev / Quote 68 of 109 / Next>

It'll mean your ass if you don't get your finger on the phone. Finger it!

#60fdb70b / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 69 of 109 / Next>

Sam, is head of the Senate Arms Services subcommittee which is in charge of our fucking budget.

#602decb6 / NSFW / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 70 of 109 / Next>

And the second thing is, I want an army of experts citing hundreds and thousands of lab experiments telling any idiot with a camera that there was no other way!

#58d9f640 / read by Silus-25

<Prev / Quote 71 of 109 / Next>

Jump, sir.

#573ee347 / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 72 of 109 / Next>

Yet you waltz into my party smelling like dirty socks, snatch me away from Senator Rosales, whom I need not remind you,

#5735d115 / read by Silus-25

<Prev / Quote 73 of 109 / Next>

What can we give him to kill his sense of humor?

#52acc28d / read by Selvimeena-70

<Prev / Quote 74 of 109 / Next>

These unfortunate people don't live long enough to spread the goddamn thing around.

#501dba83 / read by Selvimeena-70

<Prev / Quote 75 of 109 / Next>

Just don't get negative on me.

#4c4046c5 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 76 of 109 / Next>

This is the Constitution of the United States. I've read it cover to cover.

#494b9106 / read by Silus-25

<Prev / Quote 77 of 109 / Next>

Because those images should haunt us until the day we die.

#47c0b21b / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 78 of 109 / Next>

Jesus Christ, five hours? It infects the cell, replicates, and kills this fast?

#475c63f7 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 79 of 109 / Next>

Flowers would be nice on occasion, don't you think?

#46bd44d0 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 80 of 109 / Next>

Do you understand? Over.

#3d837b70 / read by Varsha-55

<Prev / Quote 81 of 109 / Next>

Sam, I am not going to issue an alert.

#3bbc8850 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 82 of 109 / Next>

How many brain cells did I kill?

#385d38df / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 83 of 109 / Next>

Go without a mask you'll see better!

#37899f40 / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 84 of 109 / Next>

Yes, and I'm George from Sioux City, SD. Back of the line colonel

#375ea3d9 / read by Selvimeena-70

<Prev / Quote 85 of 109 / Next>

First we're fighting over the dogs now a virus. I can't believe this!

#35b71fe6 / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 86 of 109 / Next>

I am never *that* asleep, Briggs. Now you find him and you arrest him.

#35ab5d9c / read by Selvimeena-70

<Prev / Quote 87 of 109 / Next>


#339dfc5b / read by Chethan-21

<Prev / Quote 88 of 109 / Next>

You're Americans! Please, get me out of this shithole.

#30a23e30 / read by Shriram-60

<Prev / Quote 89 of 109 / Next>

So, a couple of things before Clean Sweep is even considered.

#2fd38c60 / read by Silus-25

<Prev / Quote 90 of 109 / Next>

What did you do with the dogs? Don't tell me you put them in a kennel.

#2b9a86a5 / read by Chethan-21

<Prev / Quote 91 of 109 / Next>

George, you heard about the virus? need we say more?

#2ace79e3 / read by Selvimeena-70

<Prev / Quote 92 of 109 / Next>

It's one billionth our size and it's beating us.

#2737f7ed / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 93 of 109 / Next>

I can get you down close enough.

#2353c562 / read by Chethan-21

<Prev / Quote 94 of 109 / Next>

Just don't make me nervous.

#205c64d0 / read by Varsha-55

<Prev / Quote 95 of 109 / Next>

What about AIDS or hepatitis?

#1feb8e9b / read by Varsha-55

<Prev / Quote 96 of 109 / Next>

Or maybe you should give me gamma globulin or something? I wouldn't wanna give anything to my girlfriend.

#1fb72126 / read by Muskan-67

<Prev / Quote 97 of 109 / Next>

Mark this day, Salt. We could spend our whole careers waiting to see a new virus.

#19f75185 / read by Silus-25

<Prev / Quote 98 of 109 / Next>

I hate them willies, they ought to call them the Sams don't you think?

#1852e6d3 / read by Chethan-21

<Prev / Quote 99 of 109 / Next>

I'm sure there's nothing to worry about.

#14feee78 / read by Varsha-55

<Prev / Quote 100 of 109 / Next>

I said containment was probable. You should be monitoring the airports, you gotta...

#11a216e5 / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 101 of 109 / Next>

SANDMAN has a specific line to the target.

#1082db51 / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 102 of 109 / Next>

Forget Ebola. Forget Lassa. This bug kills so fast, Billy. You could be dead in...

#0d9e69a4 / read by Silus-25

<Prev / Quote 103 of 109 / Next>

Beats the hell outta me.

#0b4d6c52 / read by Chethan-21

<Prev / Quote 104 of 109 / Next>

We are fugitives of the law. Idiocy is our only option.

#0931a6f2 / read by Silus-25

<Prev / Quote 105 of 109 / Next>

But this strange disease... Thirty men dead yesterday. Eighteen, the day before.

#07b4d960 / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 106 of 109 / Next>

Danny, this is General Ford.

#03a297e3 / read by Varsha-55

<Prev / Quote 107 of 109 / Next>

You're going to stand there shoulder to shoulder with him. He goes down, you go down.

#019c5094 / read by Silus-25

<Prev / Quote 108 of 109 / Next>

These pictures were taken over a period of eight hours.

#0138a2b9 / read by Musaib-53

<Prev / Quote 109 of 109 / Next>