Last Night in Soho 2021
This is London. Someone has died in every room in every building and on every street corner in the city.
I've done a lot of things, Eloise. You're gonna have to be more specific, luv.
They're meant to talk to you about their problems, not the other way round.
When you see Alex in whatever little hell she's currently in, you tell her I said hello.
#703b1a57 / read by Chethan-21
Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city. Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty.
Happy Halloween, lovebirds!
#522df067 / read by Chethan-21
I want us both to be there.
#3abf2267 / read by Chethan-21
When you've got worries, all the noise and the hurry. Seems to help, I know... Downtown.
I know what you did.
#146c9538 / read by Chethan-21
I'm not going to prison. I've been in a prison all my life.
#09776954 / read by Chethan-21
You can't save me! Save yourself...
#03f2399f / read by Chethan-21