Lady Bird 2017
I found when it happened that I really like dry humping more.
#fcbce8b4 / read by Shriram-60
You write about Sacramento so affectionately and with such care.
#fac030d2 / read by Shriram-60
Don't you think maybe they are the same thing? Love and attention?
#fa076d03 / read by Shriram-60
It's okay. My dad has cancer, so I guess God's doing that for us.
#f9e0535d / read by Shriram-60
Hey, I'm like Keith Richards. I'm just happy to be anywhere.
#f8b9799d / read by Saradha-18
She's not crazy she just, you know, she has a big heart. She's very warm.
#f6fb4cac / read by Shriram-60
Why is it in quotes?
#f61eb5dc / read by Shriram-60
Money is not life's report card.
#f33e0340 / read by Shriram-60
We're afraid of what the future will bring.
#edb0d4bd / read by Shriram-60
There is no role of the Tempest!
#e2d9e969 / read by Shriram-60
It just means that you're successful.
#dd701e8e / read by Shriram-60
But that doesn't mean that you're happy.
#d85fb8ff / read by Shriram-60
If Danny and I get married and then his grandma died, I'd inherit the dream house.
#d54bc036 / read by Shriram-60
Do you think I look like I'm from Sacramento?
#d46e4cc5 / read by Shriram-60
Oh, okay. I just couldn't tell because you were dragging your feet.
#d2040dfa / read by Saradha-18
You're being passive aggressive.
#d128e19c / read by Shriram-60
We're afraid that we will never escape our past.
#d0ec45d1 / read by Shriram-60
Wouldn't his parents get it?
#d0de8442 / read by Shriram-60
Are you and Mom gonna get a divorce over this?
#ce317b7e / read by Shriram-60
All those bends I've known my whole life, and stores, and the whole thing.
#ce05de3c / read by Shriram-60
Just because something looks ugly doesn't mean that it's morally wrong.
#cd3395a5 / read by Shriram-60
You're not gonna get in a car with a guy that honks, are ya?
#c9826625 / read by Selvimeena-70
Sorry. I... that was an exaggeration.
#c97bbb94 / read by Saradha-18
What if this is the best version?
#c560ad8d / read by Saradha-18
Why can't you say I look nice?
#c43cd445 / read by Saradha-18
I didn't know if you were tired.
#c2b1f3ed / read by Saradha-18
I know. It's just that I respect you too much for that.
#be1ddba2 / read by Saradha-18
We don't need to buy that.
#b59f03f1 / read by Saradha-18
Listen, if your mother had had the abortion, we wouldn't have to sit through this stupid assembly!
#b2d8ed21 / read by Shriram-60
I think it's a little upsetting.
#b2225d28 / read by Saradha-18
It's just a bird head in a lady body, or vice versa.
#b01debce / read by Deekshitha-72
Are we still going to prom together?
#a6318af4 / read by Shriram-60
Well it's nice to make things neat and clean. You ready to go home?
#a4ccbcb4 / read by Saradha-18
Oh yeah, we'd have to kill them. And we'd have to kill his older brothers too.
#a1f49b2b / read by Saradha-18
Your mom is crazy, I'm scared of her.
#9ba3cf55 / read by Selvimeena-70
Some people aren't built happy, you know.
#9b95d323 / read by Saradha-18
The only thing exciting about 2002 is that it's a palindrome.
#9685276e / read by Saradha-18
The government didn't have to put tracking devices on us.
#9546de7c / read by Saradha-18
You clearly love Sacramento.
#8d1ac7f5 / read by Saradha-18
Well, if you wanna read it, we can go down to the public library.
#8ba69712 / read by Selvimeena-70
Okay, I'm sorry. I was telling you the truth, do you want me to lie?
#87b2928d / read by Deekshitha-72
You don't have a cellphone?
#76e830a7 / read by Selvimeena-70
Lady Bird. Is that your given name?
#72b2c0fe / read by Deekshitha-72
Maybe it's your mom's fault.
#71657a79 / read by Selvimeena-70
It's only three dollars. I'm having a hard week.
#6ed736ff / read by Selvimeena-70
No! It's a made-up thing so we all can participate.
#6da75420 / read by Deekshitha-72
I heard that before he became a priest, he was married, and had a son named Etienne, who died at 17 of a drug overdose, which maybe was a suicide.
No, I mean, I just, I wish that you liked me.
#67eda73f / read by Selvimeena-70
My dad is really good at math. Even Miguel has a math degree.
#65db7ae5 / read by Selvimeena-70
No. No, she's warm, yeah but she's also kind of scary.
#61b686ce / read by Shriram-60
I want you to be the very best version of yourself that you can be.
#5a0c215c / read by Deekshitha-72
I thought you didn't even care what I think.
#55dbe64a / read by Pratheesh-54
Well, I gave it to myself. It's given to me, by me.
#4947bd14 / read by Deekshitha-72
Some of the students were disturbed by your posters.
#453249b6 / read by Deekshitha-72
People go by the names their parents give them, but they don't believe in God.
Yeah. That seems like everyone's job.
#3a46537b / read by Pratheesh-54
She made one bad decision at 19!
#31a6561b / read by Pratheesh-54
Miss Patty assigned you a role by the way, you just never showed up to claim it.
#2ef47c3a / read by Pratheesh-54
It's my tradition to run for office. Don't worry. I won't win.
#259fc35c / read by Pratheesh-54
But my mom says same difference, if you're that careless with your life.
Being successful doesn't mean anything in and of itself.
#1cb73112 / read by Deekshitha-72
I still want you to think I look good.
#10d619e8 / read by Pratheesh-54
Well it comes across as love.
#0e0861f5 / read by Pratheesh-54
Don't worry, I'm not gonna snitch on you.
#039e62ea / read by Pratheesh-54