Chef 2014
I manage to touch people's lives with what I do and I want to share this with you.
When I found out you better grab your ankles!
#f5d1b882 / read by Saradha-18
In the meantime, you just tweet me where ever you are, and I'll come running.
All right? 'Cause this shit's good. Delicious.
#f1edc906 / read by Saradha-18
Yeah, I just sent a private message to somebody.
#ed727f61 / read by Saradha-18
What's good is, in the morning, you can dip your nuts in oil and make hush puppies.
Are you sure? Is this beer?
#e102adfd / read by Saradha-18
You're not getting to me. I'm not needy!
#ddc8a81c / read by Saradha-18
It means it got picked up and re-tweeted everywhere.
#d490a6a4 / read by Saradha-18
No, he wrote something nasty about me and then I hit 'reply' and it let me send a message to him.
You know how hard I work for this shit?
#cf032318 / read by Saradha-18
What sacrifices I make to make you happy and then you just smugly just fucking shit on my shit?
You take a frozen cylinder of ganache and set it in the ramekin so that as the outside cooks fully, the inside becomes molten!
No, I'm not doing it for that. Someone wrote something bad. I wanna see what they wrote.
Oh, good. What does it mean?
#aecf0ba2 / read by Saradha-18
You're not 10! You're kitchen staff, kitchen staff doesn't have an age.
Okay. So, what do you want your username to be?
#a277c75f / read by Saradha-18
I think that asshole might be our new partner!
#a0d43712 / NSFW / read by Akanksha-14
No! You'd burn the place to the fucking ground.
#99ba4096 / NSFW / read by Saradha-18
Here you go, little man.
#99141d08 / read by Saradha-18
It means that 1,653 people are reading your Twitter feed.
#954c82e7 / read by Saradha-18
Are you kidding me, I buy ink by the barrel, buddy.
#954c2869 / read by Saradha-18
I'm 10, I can't have beer.
#8bffe20a / read by Saradha-18
More importantly, you know, you just cook your ass off.
#665756ba / NSFW / read by Saradha-18
I just wanna say one thing. I just wanna say one thing. Just one thing.
Why should I fuck Twitter?
#4e0b490d-a / NSFW / read by Akanksha-14
What are you doing?
#38f9d397-a / read by Shriram-60
You can only send private messages to people who are following you. I think you might have posted that publicly.
Want some? Here, it's like baby powder. Cool your nuts... It's nice, right?
Look, if you bought Stones tickets and Jagger didn't play Satisfaction, how would you feel? Would you be happy?
Hey! You can't talk like that. I don't care if mommy's not around. I don't want you cursing around here.
And it looks like he re-tweeted it to all his 123,845 followers. And he wrote back.