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Chef 2014

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You sit and you eat and you vomit those words back.

#ff0f2abb / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 1 of 67 / Next>

So what did the asshole say, huh?

#fd60ec29 / read by VIVEK-96

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I manage to touch people's lives with what I do and I want to share this with you.

#fa2f5ac0 / read by Shobha-60

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When I found out you better grab your ankles!

#f5d1b882 / read by Saradha-18

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In the meantime, you just tweet me where ever you are, and I'll come running.

#f3258109 / read by Dhruva-62

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_Chef_ Big Dog up all night cooking!

#f2663826 / read by Shobha-60

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All right? 'Cause this shit's good. Delicious.

#f1edc906 / read by Saradha-18

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Mmm-hmm. I thought it was like texting.

#f1b4baeb / read by Shobha-60

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Yeah, I just sent a private message to somebody.

#ed727f61 / read by Saradha-18

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I may not do everything great in my life, but I'm good at this.

#ec496fdb / read by Shobha-60

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What's good is, in the morning, you can dip your nuts in oil and make hush puppies.

#e3238013 / read by Shobha-60

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Are you sure? Is this beer?

#e102adfd / read by Saradha-18

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You're not getting to me. I'm not needy!

#ddc8a81c / read by Saradha-18

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It means it got picked up and re-tweeted everywhere.

#d490a6a4 / read by Saradha-18

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No, he wrote something nasty about me and then I hit 'reply' and it let me send a message to him.

#d131847e / read by Nitin-33

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You know how hard I work for this shit?

#cf032318 / read by Saradha-18

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What sacrifices I make to make you happy and then you just smugly just fucking shit on my shit?

#cda59973 / NSFW / read by Kumar-68

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You take a frozen cylinder of ganache and set it in the ramekin so that as the outside cooks fully, the inside becomes molten!

#c5417618 / read by Nitin-33

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No, I'm not doing it for that. Someone wrote something bad. I wanna see what they wrote.

#c10aebc5 / read by Shobha-60

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What are you doing picking a fight with me?

#be84ec8f / read by Dhruva-62

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Huh? Like piss, right?

#b7b79fc9 / read by Hema-82

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Oh, good. What does it mean?

#aecf0ba2 / read by Saradha-18

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You're not 10! You're kitchen staff, kitchen staff doesn't have an age.

#ada666f7 / read by Musaib-53

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Okay. So, what do you want your username to be?

#a277c75f / read by Saradha-18

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I think that asshole might be our new partner!

#a0d43712 / NSFW / read by Akanksha-14

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You can't just put 'Carl'. It's got to be 'at' something.

#a0b410ed / read by Wilma-81

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No, of course not, I would never hand you beer. That's *cerveza*.

#9c970791 / read by Shobha-60

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No! You'd burn the place to the fucking ground.

#99ba4096 / NSFW / read by Saradha-18

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Here you go, little man.

#99141d08 / read by Saradha-18

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It means that 1,653 people are reading your Twitter feed.

#954c82e7 / read by Saradha-18

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Are you kidding me, I buy ink by the barrel, buddy.

#954c2869 / read by Saradha-18

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Just... can you read it to me, please? Read the... read the reply.

#8d2967a1 / read by Nitin-33

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I'm 10, I can't have beer.

#8bffe20a / read by Saradha-18

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So, all these people have read the review?

#89dd2018 / read by Wilma-81

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Chocolate lava cake is not just undercooked chocolate cake.

#82589b9d / read by Musaib-53

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Like in Grand Theft Auto?

#7824a08a / read by Wilma-81

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Hey hemet, that was a lot of talkin' and you not punching him.

#76bb85e3 / read by Kumar-68

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You remember that when your friends offer you a beer.

#74b508be / read by Wilma-81

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To that a-hole food critic.

#7389f587 / read by Hema-82

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You're trending bro.

#6c7d585b / read by Wilma-81

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I wouldn't challenge you to a cook-off.

#6b3b6033 / read by Hema-82

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More importantly, you know, you just cook your ass off.

#665756ba / NSFW / read by Saradha-18

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Reservations out the door.

#6538fb55 / read by Wilma-81

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Dad, replies are public. Everybody can read them.

#61328963 / read by Musaib-53

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Fuck Twitter. Come on, get out of here.

#5ddc5d2a / NSFW / read by Musaib-53

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This is Little Havana.

#5b75a412 / read by Parul-64

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I just wanna say one thing. I just wanna say one thing. Just one thing.

#52c85e89 / read by Dhruva-62

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You started a flame-war with *me*.

#50653b86 / read by Hema-82

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It's molten, see? It's fucking molten, you asshole!

#4fa561c1 / NSFW / read by Musaib-53

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Did you post anything since last night?

#4e8fcd67 / read by Musaib-53

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You can have a sip.

#4e8a24ea / read by Wilma-81

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Why should I fuck Twitter?

#4e0b490d / NSFW / read by Hema-82

<Prev / Quote 52 of 67 / Next>

Why should I fuck Twitter?

#4e0b490d-a / NSFW / read by Akanksha-14

<Prev / Quote 53 of 67 / Next>

What are you doing?

#38f9d397 / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 54 of 67 / Next>

What are you doing?

#38f9d397-a / read by Shriram-60

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You can only send private messages to people who are following you. I think you might have posted that publicly.

#305c92e6 / read by Kumar-68

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Want some? Here, it's like baby powder. Cool your nuts... It's nice, right?

#28ca2592 / read by Dhruva-62

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Look, if you bought Stones tickets and Jagger didn't play Satisfaction, how would you feel? Would you be happy?

#27a1c456 / read by Kumar-68

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I just thought you and me bury-the-hatchet would be a good story.

#227c48b2 / read by Nitin-33

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Hey! You can't talk like that. I don't care if mommy's not around. I don't want you cursing around here.

#1f7bd24f / read by Kumar-68

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To make people laugh.

#11ab63a8 / read by Wilma-81

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And it looks like he re-tweeted it to all his 123,845 followers. And he wrote back.

#1113ca9c / read by Musaib-53

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I am not cloying. I am not needy. I don't care what you think.

#0ce0c6c2 / read by Nitin-33

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That's not what makes the center molten.

#0c69c1aa / read by Parul-64

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Do you know how hard my whole staff works?

#044e152c / read by Musaib-53

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And you don't do anything. What do you do?

#03adf6e0 / read by Hema-82

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I have been waiting to talk to this prick for a long time.

#01b01e42 / read by Musaib-53

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