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Brokeback Mountain 2005

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And you sit down before I knock your ignorant ass into next week!

#eca746b1 / read by Brinda-85

<Prev / Quote 1 of 54 / Next>

He wouldn't listen to me if he knew he was going deaf tomorrow.

#ea27c11f / read by Brinda-85

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For as long as we can ride it. There ain't no reins on this one.

#dd2612c5 / read by Brinda-85

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Supposed to guard the sheep, not eat them.

#dc6716c7 / read by Subhajit-81

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Why is it always so friggin' cold?

#d6007208 / read by Subhajit-81

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As far behind as we are on the bills, it makes me nervous not to use any sort of precaution.

#d3dd80ba / read by Brinda-85

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You ever hear of child support? I'll tell you this, I can't quit this one, and I can't get the time off.

#d0972acc / read by Brinda-85

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Ever notice how a woman'll powder her nose before a party starts, and the powder it again when the party's over?

#d0681e51 / read by Shriram-60

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Texans don't drink coffee?

#cb6e67bc / read by Subhajit-81

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Hell, that's the most I've spoke in a year.

#cb15b302 / read by Brinda-85

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Tell you what... the truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.

#c7d66395 / read by Brinda-85

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I mean in them earlier days I just quit the job.

#c7d2b38a / read by Subhajit-81

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You used to come down so easy, now it's like seein' the Pope.

#c6ff3813 / read by Shriram-60

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_You used to come down_ so easy, now it's like seein' the Pope.

#c6ff3813-a / read by VIVEK-96

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We oughta go south where it's warm, you know, we oughta go to Mexico!

#c6203702 / read by Shriram-60

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It's nobody's business but ours.

#b7eb113b / read by Subhajit-81

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If you can't fix it, Jack, you gotta stand it.

#abd5cfa5 / read by Subhajit-81

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You gonna do this again next summer?

#a423709b / read by Subhajit-81

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We can get together... once in a while, way the hell out in the middle of nowhere ..

#a2b5a582 / read by Brinda-85

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This is my house, this is my child, and you are my guest.

#a1e82091 / read by Subhajit-81

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Too early in summer to be sick of beans.

#9c210c54 / read by Subhajit-81

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This is a goddamn bitch of an unsatisfactory situation.

#92c33dc5 / read by Brinda-85

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I was just sending up a prayer of thanks.

#89e71b35 / read by Subhajit-81

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C'mon now, you're sleeping on your feet like a horse. My mama used to say that to me when I was little.

#863648dc / read by Shriram-60

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_you're_ sleeping on your feet like a horse. My mama used to say that to me when I was little.

#863648dc-a / read by VIVEK-96

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I don't need your money, huh, you know I ain't in the poorhouse.

#78420d04 / read by Subhajit-81

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You may kiss the bride - and if you don't, I will.

#6f15b14f / read by Subhajit-81

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Now you sit down, you old son of a bitch!

#68d666c6 / read by Subhajit-81

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You know, your friend could come inside, have a cup of coffee...

#66fc1000 / read by Brinda-85

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I got a boy. Eight months old. Smiles a lot.

#63dd9e1c / read by Subhajit-81

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November? What the hell happened to August?

#62eec549 / read by Subhajit-81

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Friend, that's more words than you've spoke in the past two weeks.

#60f60252 / read by Shriram-60

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_Friend,_ that's more words than you've spoke in the past two weeks.

#60f60252 / read by VIVEK-96

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I wish I knew how to quit you.

#605c0767 / read by Subhajit-81

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Thought you didn't eat soup.

#599346b4 / read by Subhajit-81

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As for our marriage, we can do it over the phone.

#55e50706 / read by Subhajit-81

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You don't think I'm too fast, do you? Maybe we should put the brakes on?

#4f83a24c / read by Brinda-85

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Daddy, you need more furniture.

#4ed8bd3c / read by Subhajit-81

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Yeah, well I'm sick of beans.

#4d27177a / read by Subhajit-81

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You know it could be like this, just like this always.

#4bec80a5 / read by Subhajit-81

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Jack Nasty! You didn't go up there to fish!

#4614a60a / read by Subhajit-81

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You forget what it's like being broke all the time.

#3369b59d / read by VIVEK-96

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Swear I didn't know we were gonna get into this again.

#2ce755f5 / read by Shriram-60

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You don't say much but you get your point across.

#2baab6d8 / read by Subhajit-81

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Why powder your nose just to go home to bed?

#2ab7d89a / read by Subhajit-81

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Just finished my shift. Wanna dance?

#2504373e / read by Shriram-60

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Wanna dance?

#2504373e-a / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 47 of 54 / Next>

You did once. You ever been to Mexico, Jack Twist?

#2371b72c / read by Subhajit-81

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Jack, I gotta work.

#1bd8b618 / read by Subhajit-81

<Prev / Quote 49 of 54 / Next>

You know friend, this is a god damn bitch of an unsatisfactory situation.

#0601f25f / read by Shriram-60

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You boys sure found a way to make the time pass up there.

#03f1c60f / read by Subhajit-81

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Because I heard what they got in Mexico for boys like you.

#01dd96c9 / read by Shriram-60

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Anything interesting up there in heaven?

#01aefee6 / read by Shriram-60

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Don't try and fool me no more, Ennis; I know what that means!

#007662a1 / read by Shriram-60

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