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Blade 1998

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Well, you already met Mr. Crispy at the hospital. What do you think?

#fd53a5a3 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 1 of 84 / Next>

There's some kind of vampire God he's trying to resurrect.

#fd4655c2 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 2 of 84 / Next>

Remember what we told you. You keep your eyes open. They're everywhere.

#fb8ac95b / read by Muskan-67

<Prev / Quote 3 of 84 / Next>

I'll tell you what we are, sister!

#f56fb8c1 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 4 of 84 / Next>

And there is nothing you can do about it, Daywalker!

#f24d5b66 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 5 of 84 / Next>

You must've gotten scarred before you were turned. Isn't that right?

#ef5a0872 / read by Muskan-67

<Prev / Quote 6 of 84 / Next>

.. these people are our food, not our allies.

#ee0c04c3 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 7 of 84 / Next>

But you Frost... you were merely turned.

#ea8290a1 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 8 of 84 / Next>

Isn't this just a little high-tech?

#e47bcc68 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 9 of 84 / Next>

You know, my mother used to say - A cold heart is a dead heart.

#e2cb414d / read by VIVEK-96

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You aim for the head or the heart. Anything else, its your ass.

#de75105e / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 11 of 84 / Next>

Frost... you're nothing to me but another dead vampire.

#d8bcc958 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 12 of 84 / Next>

Christ! I'm too old for this! Somebody get me a goddamn wheelchair!

#d88f8ac3 / read by Muskan-67

<Prev / Quote 13 of 84 / Next>

He's a hurricane. An act of God.

#d746437a / read by Neha-31

<Prev / Quote 14 of 84 / Next>

Nice place. It took us a while to find it.

#d1f72377 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 15 of 84 / Next>

Safety's off, round's already chambered.

#d003180f / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 16 of 84 / Next>

Everyone you've ever known... everyone you've ever loved... it won't matter who's pureblood and who's not.

#cf03e5de / read by Arun-92

<Prev / Quote 17 of 84 / Next>

Silver hollow-point bullets filled with garlic.

#cd871cba / read by VIVEK-96

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There's still a war going on, and I have a job to do.

#c7f1d092 / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 19 of 84 / Next>

You been listening in the whole time?

#c7ebab4e / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 20 of 84 / Next>

What do I care? They're nothing but cattle... just like you said.

#c6c82a81 / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 21 of 84 / Next>

Yeah, well he said it would work against vampires.

#c2dcedf3 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 22 of 84 / Next>

It's nice to finally meet you, man.

#c072ecd7 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 23 of 84 / Next>

I was born a vampire, as was every other member of this house.

#ba6c67e4 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 24 of 84 / Next>

We're the top of the food chain.

#b9f80339 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 25 of 84 / Next>

Wander off the beaten path, Doctor.

#b83066b7 / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 26 of 84 / Next>

How you gonna cure the whole world? Hm?

#b40557ab / read by Priya-40

<Prev / Quote 27 of 84 / Next>

There's a war going on out there.

#b2d1f4dc / read by Priya-40

<Prev / Quote 28 of 84 / Next>

The Spirits of the Twelve will awaken the Blood God!

#af4965e5 / read by Priya-40

<Prev / Quote 29 of 84 / Next>

You used me as bait?

#a88cf197 / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 30 of 84 / Next>

Tonight the age of man comes to an end. No more compromises.

#a687b0af / read by Priya-40

<Prev / Quote 31 of 84 / Next>

And Blade's blood is the key.

#a236a8b9 / read by Neha-31

<Prev / Quote 32 of 84 / Next>

The world you live in is just a sugar-coated topping!

#9925ae20 / read by VIVEK-96

<Prev / Quote 33 of 84 / Next>

I know all about you.

#95d8f474 / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 34 of 84 / Next>

It's not over. You keep your cure.

#91208dfa / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 35 of 84 / Next>

If you wanna take the hard road, be my guest, pal.

#8ffbc922 / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 36 of 84 / Next>

This must be Pearl. The record keeper.

#8cae6dd5 / read by Asfiya-41

<Prev / Quote 37 of 84 / Next>

Hey Blade, let's do this.

#8afb5d23 / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 38 of 84 / Next>

You wanna help, make me a better serum.

#85a1c055 / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 39 of 84 / Next>

We're not exactly the March of Dimes.

#83cceb56 / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 40 of 84 / Next>

The blood of the day walker. You're the chosen one.

#8287ed9d / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 41 of 84 / Next>

Pearl, you're history. Have the good grace to die with some dignity.

#81abc537 / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 42 of 84 / Next>

We just had to take certain precautions before we let you go.

#8095d36d / read by Priya-40

<Prev / Quote 43 of 84 / Next>

I hear you been looking for me. I'm flattered.

#7f481afe / read by Priya-40

<Prev / Quote 44 of 84 / Next>

Vampires? Who said I was a vampire?

#7ece776a / read by Varsha-55

<Prev / Quote 45 of 84 / Next>

No, but I'll damn sure learn quick.

#7c0bb005 / read by Priya-40

<Prev / Quote 46 of 84 / Next>

There is another world beneath it: the real world.

#7b974f46 / read by Neha-31

<Prev / Quote 47 of 84 / Next>

I need to get back to the lab, if I'm going to cure you.

#6fe6f06f / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 48 of 84 / Next>

You better wake up.

#6f7459e7 / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 49 of 84 / Next>

Wouldn't want our little friend here to wind up in the back of a milk carton now, would we?

#5ea7d526 / read by Arun-92

<Prev / Quote 50 of 84 / Next>

And if you wanna survive it, you better learn to PULL THE TRIGGER!

#5dc07e81 / read by Arun-92

<Prev / Quote 51 of 84 / Next>

.. we've tried to keep it from spilling over onto the streets.

#5d433544 / read by Arun-92

<Prev / Quote 52 of 84 / Next>

You can slice him, you can dice him, but the Quinn man just keeps on comin'!

#5d394ddf / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 53 of 84 / Next>

You have a lot of love for him, don't you?

#5cca60a2 / read by Varsha-55

<Prev / Quote 54 of 84 / Next>

Vampires like you aren't a species.

#5a9163cf / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 55 of 84 / Next>

I'm gonna be naughty! I'm gonna be a naughty vampire god!

#53f9ea68 / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 56 of 84 / Next>

You got to understand, they're everwhere.

#51dc23ac / read by Wilma-81

<Prev / Quote 57 of 84 / Next>

They've got their claws into everything - politics, finance, real estate.

#5161ec5c / read by Arun-92

<Prev / Quote 58 of 84 / Next>

You see the valets over there? They're vampires.

#4fe907e5 / read by Varsha-55

<Prev / Quote 59 of 84 / Next>

They already own half of downtown.

#4bb07cf9 / read by Kushal-35

<Prev / Quote 60 of 84 / Next>

By the way they move. The way they smell.

#48a3fdfc / read by Kushal-35

<Prev / Quote 61 of 84 / Next>

You're familiar with the Blood God.

#40b41b85 / read by Kushal-35

<Prev / Quote 62 of 84 / Next>

You're one of them, aren't you?

#3fc1dadc / read by Arun-92

<Prev / Quote 63 of 84 / Next>

Frost is trying to trigger a vampire apocalypse.

#39fd03cd / read by Kushal-35

<Prev / Quote 64 of 84 / Next>

Oh, great. Now you're robbing him. You gonna rob me, too?

#366e195f / read by Varsha-55

<Prev / Quote 65 of 84 / Next>

Anyone caught in his path will instantly be turned.

#35822063 / read by Varsha-55

<Prev / Quote 66 of 84 / Next>

Think I'd let him run loose without a chaperon?

#331c2e1f / read by Kushal-35

<Prev / Quote 67 of 84 / Next>

Eric, I'm you mother. You wouldn't hurt your mother would you? Come here.

#30078143 / read by Priya-40

<Prev / Quote 68 of 84 / Next>

The Blood god's coming and after tonight, you people are history.

#2cd9d682 / read by Arun-92

<Prev / Quote 69 of 84 / Next>


#2c917cf7 / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 70 of 84 / Next>

Had my eye on you for years.

#2bcb3dd6 / read by Saikumar-90

<Prev / Quote 71 of 84 / Next>

They're hard to kill. They tend to regenerate.

#267e3a12 / read by Kushal-35

<Prev / Quote 72 of 84 / Next>

But, you're so big.

#26499ab8 / read by Shuja-34

<Prev / Quote 73 of 84 / Next>

We have a good arrangement. He makes the weapons. I use them.

#214a03a3 / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 74 of 84 / Next>

We should be ruling the humans, not running around making back ally treaties with them.

#1bde6d4f / read by Varsha-55

<Prev / Quote 75 of 84 / Next>

I promise you, you'll be dead by dawn.

#17701778 / read by Varsha-55

<Prev / Quote 76 of 84 / Next>

How do you think that we fund this organization, huh?

#16488893 / read by Varsha-55

<Prev / Quote 77 of 84 / Next>

Sometimes people like yourself get caught in the cross fire.

#14670dd6 / read by Arun-92

<Prev / Quote 78 of 84 / Next>

You're the key. He needs your blood.

#12edee54 / read by Kushal-35

<Prev / Quote 79 of 84 / Next>

You may wake up one day and find yourself extinct.

#0ffc7321 / read by Varsha-55

<Prev / Quote 80 of 84 / Next>

We hunt them you see, moving from one city to the next, tracking their migrations.

#0928c2f1 / read by Shobha-60

<Prev / Quote 81 of 84 / Next>

Maybe it's time we forgot about discretion.

#06da3bcc / read by Kushal-35

<Prev / Quote 82 of 84 / Next>

You use a wooden stake, silver or sunlight to kill them. You know how to use one of these?

#04a58812 / read by Arun-92

<Prev / Quote 83 of 84 / Next>

There are worse things out tonight than vampires.

#00f58be4 / read by Varsha-55

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